Another month has flown by! This past month has been so nice and we've gotten into a good routine. He's a sweet boy and is finding his voice. He loves squealing at his toys! The boys are getting along better and Connor is almost 1/2 way to being 1!
He's 16lbs 2oz now thanks to all his baby food! He's getting chunky! He's wearing 6 month clothes and size 3 diapers. He takes 6 ounces of formula every 4 hours and eats 3 baby food containers a day. He LOVES his baby food and will eat pretty much anything. Veggies are his favorite still. He rolls all over now and is working on sitting. Teeth are on their way! He's drooling like crazy and chewing on everything he can!
What mom?!!
He loves his play mat and chewing on his toys. He still loves being outside and being walked around. He's not big on sitting still much. Mickey Mouse still grabs his attention. So does big brother! He watches Colin all day long. Some days Colin is so sweet with him and will rub him, kiss him, give him his paci/toys, feed him. Other days he won't even look at him :)
Freaked by the sign... :)
He's still a smiley boy, but sure lets us know when he's tired. He naps 3 times a day 45minutes-1.5hours and sleeps ok at night. Mostly waking up 2-3 times for a paci. Colin started sleeping through the night during month 5, so we're hopeful we're close! His hair keeps growing and looks light brown. His eyes are still green and brown like his mommy's.
Colin at 5 months! He was a little chunkier, but I noticed that Colin wasn't Connors length (from his 4month check up) until 6 months. Big C also didn't roll over until 6 months. Connor may get moving a bit earlier than big brother.
We have a busy next month with lots of traveling. Hopefully he'll continue to be a pretty decent traveler!! Happy 5 months little love!
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