Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Getting good around here!

Things are going good around here! After almost 5 months, I have to say that life here has gotten pretty easy! They both have tough days on occasion and it's still busy most of the time, but we've gotten a great routine now. This momma even gets to shower in the morning everyday in relative peace (while Connor naps and Colin runs wild bringing me toys). Connor is napping much better and down to pretty much just waking up once at night (hope I didn't jinx that!). He also is on powder formula now and doesn't need oatmeal in his bottle to thicken it anymore! It's like how a normal baby eats ;)

Nervous and shocked Tennessee won Saturday!

Hanging with my boys!
Getting more into each other, haha.

Daddy/Colin date day to Let's Play!
So in charge ;)
Got called from school Thursday that Colin wasn't feeling good- took him to the doc expecting an ear infection. Turns out his 4 last molars are 1/2 way in. Explains why he hasn't been eating much and being clingy. Poor bud!

Seth, Jess, Cait, and the kids came for dinner tonight! Thanks for the yummy peas Uncle Seth!! Thanks for opening your mouth with me each time too :)

Loving Aunt Jessie holding him. Good job not barfing on everyone little C (my kids are good at that...)!
Girl side and boy side- Gizmo included :)
Love spending time with our families! Tomorrow Derek and I are taking Josh and Cait to the GT/VT football game! It will be good to get away for the night! Connor gets to spend some one on one time with Nana and Colin gets to have a slumber party with Eli and Kendall. Every time they leave, Colin cries so hard screaming Eli's name. It's pitiful! He'll be so excited and surprised when Pawpaw picks him up from school and takes him to "Eli house, Josh house" (Sorry Caitlin and K, haha)! Hope they are always the best of friends!!

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