Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thanksgiving 2015

It was a thanksgiving adventure this year! It wasn't the easiest with 2 little kids, but I'm so thankful we got to spend time with eachother! Thank goodness the boys did great on the 8 hour drive up! Derek got to Huntsville in the wee hours Wednesday after work and we left for our trip at 8 that morning. Boys didn't sleep too much, but didn't need but 2 stops so we made great time! Derek took big C swimming at the hotel that night and he loved jumping in! We spent the whole day Thursday and 1/2 of Friday at my cousin's house. We hadn't seen most of my family in many years! It's been over a year since I even saw grandma so it was nice to catch up. It was a long trip for a short amount of family time, but well worth it and we will hopefully get to see everyone again in 2 more years!

15 minutes into the drive Connor had explosive diarrhea from his antibiotics. HA

Our table! So much food! Connor wanted to sleep. The whole time. Sweet Great Aunt Roberta hooked him up :)
Couple group pics. There were so many people spread out around/outside the house.
My snuggly boys :)

They live on a cliff overlooking downtown Charleston. Beautiful views. The kids stayed on the playground most of the time! The weather was 70 both days and perfect!
Getting the crew together for a group shot. Colin clung to Aunt Caitlin, I was chop liver ;)

Relaxed/Slept the day away
Woke up to try his first bite of mashed potatoes!
Plaid twins. He didn't like my request to smile for the pic...

Colin LOVED the hotel! He ran down the halls and went up and down the elevator constantly. Thankfully his dad was so patient :)
Movies in bed at night! He loved that one of us slept next to him and did so well at night! Wish I could say the same about little one...he basically slept all day and woke up every hour for 3 nights in a row.

More playground fun! Cousins! We missed Noah's crew, but Micah will be here within the month and the drive was too long for momma Chelsea!
Another pretty view from the porch
I didn't get any other cousin pics thanks to carrying little C both days, there are so many cousins Colin and Eli's age! They all played so good too! Melissa and I spent a lot of time together with Connor and her 3 month old Miller. We both have some poor sleepers so had a lot to talk about ;) 
After another rough night Thursday, we decided to head towards home after lunch. We stopped overnight in Knoxville to break up the drive. Connor still didn't sleep good, but it was nice to be close to home! Throughout the week I was dealing with bad headaches and thought it was from lack of sleep. Woke up Friday with white/grey tonsils and the worst sore throat. After some chills/body aches/fever Friday night, Dr. Hubby confirmed I had strep. What an end to the trip, haha. Thankfully after some antibiotics/steroids yesterday, I feel a good bit better today! We got home in time to catch the end of the GT/UGA game (sad loss...) and watch UT beat Vandy! Today Derek worked hard and got all our Christmas décor out and up! Derek's birthday is this week and Connor's first Christmas/Colin's 3rd; it's going to be a good month!

Happy baby C is back! Missed his smiley self and hope we can all stay healthy the month of December!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Huntsville time

We spent the past 4 days in Huntsville seeing grandparents. We spent 2 days at Doozie and Nana's house and got to relax. Derek hadn't been to Huntsville since this spring so it was nice to get to come and hang out for a while. The kiddos enjoyed the attention. Poor Colin was teething/snotty and was so moody. I have such a well behaved boy at home and then I take him out and sometimes he just embarrasses me, ha! I wish he had felt better, but today he turned a corner and finally ate good and was happy so I'm hoping that mean molar has finally popped through. 2 down, 2 to go... Both kids were pretty snotty so it was nice to hang around the house. I did get to go out and shop some with Donna and Derek got to go see a movie with his dad.

Playing with Aunt Jessie's old toys :)

Telling Nana who knows what ;) Boy is a talker now!

Little ham!

Pants optional

Little cutie, love these pics!

Sunday afternoon we went to Mimi and Pawpaw's house. We had dinner and just relaxed. Poor little bit wasn't feeling good and was clingy. Monday morning around 5am he wouldn't stop screaming and ran a temp. He wouldn't drink much and I noticed his right hand was red and swollen. The next few hours it just got worse and was hot. Derek and I went ahead and took him to the children's ER. After some blood work and X-rays, they came to the conclusion he has cellulitis (skin infection). Thankfully it had not gone up his arm much and his blood count looked ok, so he got an antibiotic shot and liquid antibiotics for home.


ER visit 

Sweet boy barely woke up the 5 hours we were there :( Except when they were drawing blood...

Today Colin joined me for a Kroger run to get our last minute stuff for our trip tomorrow! Praying little bit has a good night tonight and is ready to go tomorrow. His hand looks almost 100% better this evening. He's been super sleepy today and clingy. He pretty much slept in the Bjorn all day. His fever has yet to go away and he's not drinking much, but he's better than yesterday. Hoping those antibiotics kick in good tomorrow!

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Snotty house

I've been too tired to take many pics this week, but I took a few :) Little one has been so congested and not sleeping well at night. Both Colin and him have had a cold all week. Colin's almost better, hoping little bit it better before our long drive next week!

We did lots of cleaning, shopping, and packing for our upcoming thanksgiving trip. Graeme, Morgan, and Emory came over for dinner one night. I got to get out of the sickly house and get a pedicure with Marjorie today which was wonderful. 
My shopping partner!

She LOVED Colin and watched him all night, such a happy girl!
Colin fed Connor sprinkles. He's more of a veggie baby :) Sweet of big brother to share though!
Josh left dad this list last week when we went to Atlanta, ha. He always does 100 projects and never sits still, so Josh subtly dropped some hints for him (all but 2 were done) ;)
My outdoor babes don't care it's 40 degrees, we just add a layer and go! How come kids don't feel cold!? 

We're all packed up and ready to head to Huntsville tomorrow. Going to stay a few days there before West Virginia. We only packed 1/2 the house ;)