This little chunk turned 8 months on moving day! He was in a rough mood that day, so we did pictures today. He got back into his routine yesterday and has been his funny self again :) He is a good traveler, but is usually in a rotten mood for the first day or two. I guess we are all that way sometimes!
His is now 20.7 lbs! He is loving real food and is starting to refuse baby food. He is Mr. Independent (don't know where he got that from! ha) and wants to feed himself. Still drinking stinky Allimentum (not too much longer!). He still likes oatmeal and loves yogurt, yogurt melts, and puffs. His favorite pouches are the ones with blueberry or banana. Still working on holding the sippy cup.
He loves to babble and can say dada and mama now. Usually when he upset about something, but it's still really cute :) He talks a lot to his mirror in the car and keeps himself pretty entertained on our long car rides.
He thinks he's big stuff and likes to stand and hold on to everything. No pulling up yet, thankfully ;) He is rocking on his hands and knees and scooting with his head and feet now. He has a feisty personality and keeps us laughing. He is also demanding and short tempered, haha. It can be entertaining for sure. We have also noticed he gets overstimulated fast with a lot of people and prefers quiet places and one on one time with people. When he's overwhelmed he just stares at people and loud noises still scare him. Watching the world cup games with friends has not worked out so far! He's terrified of everyone clapping and screaming, pitiful. He sure does like being loud himself though ;)
He is good at sleeping all night now (8pm-6am) and is almost to just 2 naps a day for 1 1/2-2 hours each. He loves his new room! He especially likes his letters over his bed now, he is constantly trying to grab them. He still loves the exersaucer and rolling all over the floor. He's pretty amazed by our ginormous tv in the living room...
Love you little dude and excited for all of our summer adventures :)