Goodbye 2013!!
What a great, busy year we have had! I can't believe all the things we got to do this year! To recap:
January: We went on a Caribbean cruise with our parents. We got to experience a few new places and even Zip-lined!
March: I turned 28 and we went with Ross and Laura to the Dominican Republic for a week! Nugget's first vacation ;) We also told our parents we were pregnant over Easter weekend!
April: My brother got married to the wonderful Chelsea! It was a beautiful outdoor wedding! We love our family's new addition :)
PICU was a long month for Derek. No big trips
June: Our 5th wedding anniversary!! Derek's last month as a 2nd year resident!
Derek finally got a nice wedding band! Couple massage and night at the downtown Sheraton!
Derek's humidor and my beautiful diamond necklace! Such a sweet surprise!!
Derek finally got a nice wedding band! Couple massage and night at the downtown Sheraton!
Derek's humidor and my beautiful diamond necklace! Such a sweet surprise!!
July: Derek started his 3rd year of residency! He was voted one of the 2 class chiefs too! So proud :) Caitlin and Eli came to visit! Last beach trip before baby!
August: Fall Creek Falls weekend with Derek's family! Last month of Trauma rotation and call nights for Derek :)
September: Georgia Tech football game! Last month of full-time work for me!
October: Colin is born!!
November: First family Thanksgiving, Grandma comes to visit Colin. Josh, Caitlin, and Eli come meet Colin!
December: Derek turns 29! First family Christmas :)
October: Colin is born!!
November: First family Thanksgiving, Grandma comes to visit Colin. Josh, Caitlin, and Eli come meet Colin!
Cousin love :)
December: Derek turns 29! First family Christmas :)
So many blessings this year! Not to mention we found out that Caitlin and Chelsea were expecting babies too!!
Hello 2014!!