Tuesday, December 31, 2013


Goodbye 2013!!
What a great, busy year we have had! I can't believe all the things we got to do this year! To recap:
January: We went on a Caribbean cruise with our parents. We got to experience a few new places and even Zip-lined!

February: We found out we were pregnant! The same weekend of my first 1/2 marathon!

March: I turned 28 and we went with Ross and Laura to the Dominican Republic for a week! Nugget's first vacation ;) We also told our parents we were pregnant over Easter weekend!

April: My brother got married to the wonderful Chelsea! It was a beautiful outdoor wedding! We love our family's new addition :)

PICU was a long month for Derek. No big trips
June: Our 5th wedding anniversary!! Derek's last month as a 2nd year resident!

 Derek finally got a nice wedding band! Couple massage and night at the downtown Sheraton!

 Derek's humidor and my beautiful diamond necklace! Such a sweet surprise!!
July: Derek started his 3rd year of residency! He was voted one of the 2 class chiefs too! So proud :) Caitlin and Eli came to visit! Last beach trip before baby!
August: Fall Creek Falls weekend with Derek's family! Last month of Trauma rotation and call nights for Derek :)

September: Georgia Tech football game! Last month of full-time work for me!


October: Colin is born!!

November: First family Thanksgiving, Grandma comes to visit Colin. Josh, Caitlin, and Eli come meet Colin!

Cousin love :)

December: Derek turns 29! First family Christmas :)


 So many blessings this year! Not to mention we found out that Caitlin and Chelsea were expecting babies too!!
Hello 2014!!

Bowl Game!!

Monday we woke up and headed to Nashville with Derek's family for the Music City Bowl! Georgia Tech played Ole Miss. We've been waiting for them to have a bowl game close by for a while! Of course, it was 32 degrees that day :)

We picked up his parents, got Jess and Seth in Athens, and hit the road. Of course Colin decided that it would be much more fun to stay awake after 2am that night, so coffee was must for this tired mama...

We went to Hard Rock Café before the game for a tailgate party. We ate lunch there and then walked around downtown for a while.
 Jess and her candy cig ;)

Then it was time to head over the bridge to the stadium for game time! 

 Nashville is a cool city, love the 'batman' building!

The Titan's stadium was huge and had the biggest screens!
Thank goodness for multiple layers and 'hot hands' stuffed everywhere! It was still a fun day though and we had some great seats!!
Lets just say...the game was not pretty! Both teams played pretty pitiful! Tech ended up losing after coming back in the 4th quarter. Hoping for a prettier football season next year! Going to be looking for season tickets soon!
After the game we had a quick dinner and headed back to Huntsville, I was more than ready to see our little GT man :)

Thanks Poppy and Moppy for keeping him all day! Next year you can join us little buddy!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Huntsville trip

Thankfully Derek is on research this month, so we got to stay in Huntsville for a week! We split the week between our families. It was nice to relax with them and have help with Colin too! We even got 2 full nights sleep! We got to go to dinner, movies and shop...all the normal post-Christmas activities we usually do! Colin got tons of attention all week :) Thanks grandparents for all the babysitting and help!
 Aunt Jessie reading to him!

 Fan staring with Doozie!
Sink bath-gotta get clean buddy!
Little guy got a little stroller too and thoroughly enjoyed walks, even in the cold!

Mommy snuggles!

Lots of playmat time with family and cats :)

Derek and my dad went to go check out a friend's home brewery  while Colin and I strolled!
Derek and I went to the galaxy of lights and Grille 29 while his parents kept Colin

Colin enjoying some fun at 530am..ha. Love all his faces!
 Another 1st- sitting in a bumbo seat like a big boy. He loved it!! My parents used it for bath time too!

We got to meet up with Cole for lunch one day! He's loving New Orleans!

My 2 men:) Derek took me to Surie for a NYE dinner date!
Silly boy loves being naked!

Girl shopping trip while Derek, Seth, and his dad went to the Space & Rocket Center!

 Colin sleeping peacefully while we car shopped! His daddy gets a new car this summer!!!
It was a nice week get away and good practice for Colin driving out of town! He's getting to be a good traveler, as long as we have his bouncy seat to sleep in!