Sunday, July 31, 2016

Toddlers x2

Gone are Connor's baby days! We've been selling and giving away baby things almost daily lately and we are enjoying this next phase of our lives! They bicker over toys daily but love each other so so much. Connor mopes around until Colin wakes up from nap and Colin is ALWAYS showing Connor new things. Colin is so patient with him and knows to run to a high place to play with certain things so Connor can't reach him :) Connor is a hot mess and can climb (and fall off of) the couches/chairs/train table. When he gets mad (which is often) he throws everything around him...and gets over things super fast. He's pretty hilarious and knows what he wants and doesn't want. He's so good with yes and no when it comes to snacks, toys, etc. He's walking almost 100% of the time now! Here's a bunch of pics from our week..

Aunt Jessie teaching C new tricks!

So proud he can climb on everything and be like the big kids!

Lettie convinced Colin to dress up and play Toy Story :)

Grown baby...snacking on the couch like big C now

"My sip then you Connor, just wait a minute!" :)

Ducks with daddy

A cool evening at the park!

Keeps us laughing.

Peek a boo!

My sweet, calm one :)

Mommy & Colin date to the McWayne Center. He picked the place, of course!

He's so in to science like his daddy
Brave guy went down the 2 story slide!


Colin got the hang of the scooter, wahoo! Connor almost got it, haha.

The best church picture we could get this week. Colin said we didn't have time today, ha. Connor found a new way to exit the car.
This was on my Facebook wall today and I love it! My biggest prayer for these boys is that they love God and ALL of God's children bravely and boldly!

We have an awesome few days ahead of us! Mom and dad and heading to us with Grandma and Aunt Beth to visit for the day! Then Keshia, Alli, and Silas are coming tomorrow to spend the week with us! Colin has already planned his zoo and McWayne days with Alli :)

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