Friday, July 1, 2016

On the go and first steps!

Connor turned one and thinks he's big stuff now! He's crawling so fast and is taking a few steps now! He keeps up with Colin pretty good and hates being left behind. We had a few fun outings this week!

Play date with Graham!

Cuddly 3 week old Asher!

This boy...

Connor refused to put this mouse down that he found at the bookstore

HUGE deal---Colin finally tried the swing by himself again. 1st time in a year he trusted me to "push slow mommy!"

I took the kids to the zoo yesterday morning while Derek worked. It's been a little while since Connor  has been and he loved it all so much more than last time! 

The usual train ride fun!

Hi giraffe!! Connor's first splash pad experience was a huge success! 

Last night Marjorie and I took Lettie for pedicures! She's gone a few times but has been asking to go with us for a while! It was too cute and we finished the night with ice cream! 

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