Monday, June 27, 2016

C-Monkey's birthday party

Saturday we had a party to celebrate our little monkey turning one! We had both families over with a few close friends. Connor was a little under the weather but was a champ and enjoyed himself. We had a little pool time, brunch, and smash cake fun! Connor was a huge fan of the's probably the best cake smash that I have ever witnessed! Connor is a very loved baby boy and we were glad to have all the family over to celebrate!



After some long naps my family got back together at a new burger place that has a kid play area (genius)
 The kiddos loved that and I'm sure we'll be back regularly
Weekly church picture. Pawpaw and Mimi were good sports ;)

Friday, June 24, 2016

So many popsicles...

Some fun pics from our last week!
Kendall got a kitten. It's super cute and Colin is a big fan!
I finally got to hold sweet Asher, Marjorie's 3rd baby! Such a sweet boy!
Snack time!!
Sticky popsicle kids=bath

Josh and I took the big boys to Noah's annual ASC event 'Local' last weekend and it was awesome. He coordinated and MC'd the event and did great! Colin loved listening and swaying to the bands :)

Weekly church pictures!

So cold!! He refuses help with his popsicles now...
Watching the older girls before our turn at swim lessons. He got brave again and did the big slide after saying last week that it was too scary.
This little one keeps us laughing

Family pool day after working out!

Poor boy kept falling asleep and had a fever Tuesday afternoon. He's been drooling so much lately so hopefully it's just more teeth coming in!

He perked up a bit to snack! He loved feeding Derek and now tries to feed himself everything, ha
I got out for girls night and tried a new awesome restaurant. Unfortunately I came home late and when I went to check in on Connor, he was covered in throw up. Thankfully it was a one time thing and he's been ok since. We get to have a little birthday party for him tomorrow, yay!!