Wednesday, April 29, 2015


Wahoo another milestone, 1/2 way through our 2nd year with C-Rex :) Not that we want time to fly by, but he's becoming so much more fun and smart each month! This will be a long post, mostly because in a few months I'll be preoccupied and want to remember these things :)

Words- mama, dada, bye, go, ball, book, block, baby, corn, car, cat, close, up, water, no, yeah, all gone, thank you, two... I'm sure there are more. Many things he says just mimicking us and won't repeat for a while. He was supposed to know around 10 at 18 months and by 2 years he should know 50. The time between 18 months and 2 years is such a fast developmental growth time! He takes direction pretty well and can understand so much of what we say, which helps. He's starting to understand reasoning and has to be reminded daily of whose in charge in this house. He takes 'no' better and thrashes around on the ground less now :) If he throws something in he car, he will yell at himself 'no, no, no'. ha

Loves his books still! He babbles likes he's reading to himself :)
He's a tall, slender boy and has become pretty controlling with food. He still surprises us sometimes, but favorites right now are muffins, waffles, grapes, pancakes, yogurt, velvetta shells, pizza, corn, rolls, most crackers and cookies, applesauce pouches, and anything sweet. He also wants to hold everything (the whole waffle, graham cracker, roll, etc.) and be in charge.
Being naked is a favorite and so is showing off his secret parts...ha
He's becoming more rough and tumble and loves to run everywhere. His favorite place is being outside and starts begging to go out right after breakfast and it's all day long. He can fall now on dirt and not freak out, wahoo! He loves being outside and recently discovered running through water/mud is so fun. He is still super cautious and thinks a long time before doing anything adventurous. He knows when to ask for help and hold his hand out to us. He is definitely all boy and loves to test limits. He's totally on track for his age developmentally and loves to throw everything, sneak away from us (and cry when he can't see us anymore), punish himself and us, hit, refuse foods he loves, etc. Haha. We love his feisty spirit though and know it's just a phase! Thankfully, he responds great to time-out so far (we only use for hitting for now) and seems to really get it! He's so sensitive about being corrected.
He's still rather clingy to us and cries when being left with anyone. Our doc said for some kids that's normal until around age 3. He truly has such a sweet heart under his stubborn exterior. He loves giving kisses out to us and Ellie. His teachers have the kids practicing hugs and kisses at school and it's adorable. He hugs Ellie all day long. He's getting tougher and likes being around other kids. He's been pushed and shoved and just gets up and keeps playing. He loves watching other kids play and loves to share toys/food (usually partially chewed) with us and other kids. It's super sweet and nice to see!
Hugs and kisses for his bear Buzz!
We sure do love our little guy and all feels right again having him back home after being apart for 4 days for Chicago! We quickly forgot how tiring having a 18month old around all day is, we didn't know what to do with our time (mainly meals) while away!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

31/32 weeks!

Not too much different going on with Connor. Lots of movement and doesn't seem like that's slowing down any. If I even move my leg at night, he's up and going for 10-15 minutes kicking around. We may just end up with 2 light sleepers. I'm getting used to less sleep the past month and am up 3-4 times at night either uncomfortable or needing to pee :) Good practice for when Finale comes though.. I had become too used to sleeping 9 hours solid every night the past 9 months!
 Definitely getting bigger and running out of clothes that fit!
Derek did an ultrasound this week and Connor had flipped head down! That was a big relief that he still had room to flip. He could flip back still, but as I get closer to 36 weeks, the chances get much slimmer. So we're hoping he'll settle in to the right position and stay! We still have a bit of decorating to do in Connor's room, but hopefully the bumper will be here soon and we can get the rest done. We at least went and got the essentials like diapers, wipes, postpartum supplies, etc. so if he comes early, we'll be ready!

A few cute things we've gotten the last few weeks :)
We've been talking about 'baby' a lot around Colin and his teacher got him saying it this week. I know he'll be pretty clueless, but we're trying to prepare him as much as we can. We point out babies in public and he doesn't seem to care about them much, ha. That's all I can ask-to not attack the baby! We have a fun 'baby-moon' trip to Chicago this weekend and time will fly once we get back! Derek will be starting his new job and his schedule looks pretty crazy. As long as Connor doesn't surprise us early, we'll be going to the beach at the end of May too! 8 or less weeks to go!!

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Run run run!

We have been on the go this week! C and I are both tired of the house and Derek had his last 3 shifts at Shelby this week, so we just stayed out and busy! We had wonderful weather to be outside!
Hiking trails with cousins! Had no idea the hills on this trail, I for real thought I was having contractions at the end. It was a good workout though! C loved trying to keep up with Eli.

Took lunch to Derek at work...behind 2 ambulances of course! We did get a peek at Connor though He is getting sooo big and good news- he flipped! At least for now, he could go back to breech. Hoping not though!

Dude got new outside shoes! Those sandals were stinking a little too bad! We met up with the cousins again at Chickfila for a little fun!

They had a ball and Colin took off with the big kids and never looked back :)

He loves his big cousin and they could mimic each other all day!

Morning library playdate. He had the outdoor area to himself for a while and ate it up...silly thing. We only lasted 10 minutes at story time before he ran away once and for all. Back outside we went....with a few other run aways too :)
I put him down and he flipped right into his favorite position :) He actually skipped his nap at school Tuesday completely! I was stunned! Ha. He made up for it sleeping like a rock at night this week. Momma slept a little harder this week too!
Last night we checked out a tiny tot playground that belongs to the local fire dept. I was perfect Colin size! Just had to share this pic of C backing up to the slide...he is the most cautious thing in the world and does this waaaay in advance before going down stairs, slides, even just 1 step. He's done this since he started walking and it's hilarious to us. We give him so much freedom and turns out he makes some pretty good decisions ;)
He's got 1 incisor tooth 1/2 way in and the other top one is close behind. So lots of teething this week! In a week he'll be 18 months which sounds nuts! Derek is officially done at Shelby and has about 10 days off before he starts his new job. He will miss the sweet staff at Shelby, but is excited to start fresh. He got pizza for everyone working nights with him and they surprised him with cake. Last 2 days of boards studying, then we're off to Chicago for 4 days for his test and for some fun! Minus the flying thing and leaving C, I'm super excited to go visit a city on my bucket list and for Derek to be done with boards for 10 years!!

Monday, April 20, 2015

Fun times!

We've had a fun weekend! Derek was off and went to play in a golf tournament with his dad. He doesn't get to golf as much as he would like and thankfully the rain held off! They had a good time and ended up with great door prizes! I know he enjoyed a little adult time, he gets so little of that with me and C here all the time!
I had a lot of girl time with Cass's bachelorette weekend! We had a yummy dinner Friday night with a group of her friends from UAB, Auburn, and church. I sooo miss these girls and can't believe we've been friends for over 10 years now!!

Saturday morning we all met back up again for brunch and got our nails done. It was so relaxing! Then a couple of us went to lunch at a great Chinese place. It was nice to catch up and I'm glad we all get to celebrate with Cass in a month at her wedding :)

1st hot stone massage--amazing!

It was tough leaving C so much :( He is still very clingy and I haven't really had babysitters much lately. He just searches for us while we're gone and it's pitiful handing him over, he basically hyperventilates. Although he's doing a little better being dropped off at school, babysitters are a diff thing. He has a lot of fun with the girls once we leave and they are so sweet with him though. Friday night when I got in I went to close his door and he just sat up laughing 'mamamama'. Poor kid had been waiting on me :( Then Saturday when I got back Derek beat me home and when I walked in he waved and ran to Derek. He has only wanted Derek since then, he knows D saved him from the babysitter I guess...already holding grudges ;) I know it will get better though, I may just have to stick to nap time and after bedtime babysitters for a bit longer. I know when he's 3ish he'll love them like I meant I didn't have to drink milk with my pizza!! And movie night!! haha

Saturday night we had family night! Dinner at Urban Cookhouse, Old Navy, then playtime at Barnes and Noble! This boy loves some books and running around!

His expressions kill me...watching the Lorax. New favorite.
Sat night/ Sunday I felt sick all day and was back taking Zofran. Thankfully Derek took over and I got to rest a lot! Sunday evening we headed to Seth and Jess's to play and eat dinner. He ran around outside and had a big time. Colin had a lot to talk about all night and was pretty entertaining :)
Taking over Kirby's bed!
Unfortunately the stomach bug got Derek in the middle of the night last night, so we've all been pretty tired. Hoping it's out of our systems now and that Colin doesn't get it! He had to go to work at 12 and C and I ate lunch at Newks with Amber and Maddie. He made it all the way home and conked out when I walked him inside. A growing Connor doesn't affect his comfort level on mama apparently ;)

Friday, April 17, 2015

Tall kid

This has been a week full of doc appointments! Wednesday Colin had his 18month old check up while Derek saw the dentist to fill a cavity :( It had been 4 years for both of us when we finally caved and went last week, so I guess 1 cavity btw us isn't bad!

Colin measured in at 26.3lbs (57%) and 34inches (93%). His head was only 70% this time, this big head mom was a little disappointed he didn't stay in the 90s ;) He had 1 shot and did awesome. He hit all his milestones, plus more, and passed his autism screening. Bossy pants C was a hoot at his appt. between trying to feed his doctor his crackers and picking up every little piece of dirt to throw in the trash. He's an entertaining fellow!

Our tall, skinny boy!

It's been a busy week btw that, 2 OB appts, keeping C alive (not always super easy!), working on Connor's room, and Derek studying and working. Only 9 days until his boards!! I've been studying with him being different types of patients and he's going to do great! We did sneak away for a double date with Ross and Laura and had a fun family dinner at Noah's house. Saturday Caitlin and I went to a bridal shower for Cassity! 1 month until the big day!

Here's a few pics from last weekend.  Derek had to work nights for a while, so I took Colin and Eli up to Hville to play with the grandparents. They had a big time following each other! It was the first time they actually interacted a lot and it was too funny! We had a fun morning at Doozie and Nana's house playing outside and grilling out Sunday, then spent the evening with Poppy and Mimi.

Colin is obsessive about musical things and loves to dance. We had to hide Derek's new guitar. I'm hoping he gets some of my family's musical talent!

He was worn out playing outside with Doozie and Nana and didn't make it long in the car back for his nap (that was 4 hours before I made him wake up!). This kid doesn't mess around when he's tired!

He woke up with lots of energy and ran right to the back door to go play outside! It was a nice evening to spend out.

This kid and sugar...

The boys stayed out til dark and had a ball together riding bikes/cars. We tried out roasting marshmallows and they did good! Thankfully no one got hit with a hot stick :) Wild Mimi gave out crazy off road car rides up and down the yard! The pets were concerned ;)