Wahoo another milestone, 1/2 way through our 2nd year with C-Rex :) Not that we want time to fly by, but he's becoming so much more fun and smart each month! This will be a long post, mostly because in a few months I'll be preoccupied and want to remember these things :)
Words- mama, dada, bye, go, ball, book, block, baby, corn, car, cat, close, up, water, no, yeah, all gone, thank you, two... I'm sure there are more. Many things he says just mimicking us and won't repeat for a while. He was supposed to know around 10 at 18 months and by 2 years he should know 50. The time between 18 months and 2 years is such a fast developmental growth time! He takes direction pretty well and can understand so much of what we say, which helps. He's starting to understand reasoning and has to be reminded daily of whose in charge in this house. He takes 'no' better and thrashes around on the ground less now :) If he throws something in he car, he will yell at himself 'no, no, no'. ha
Loves his books still! He babbles likes he's reading to himself :)
He's a tall, slender boy and has become pretty controlling with food. He still surprises us sometimes, but favorites right now are muffins, waffles, grapes, pancakes, yogurt, velvetta shells, pizza, corn, rolls, most crackers and cookies, applesauce pouches, and anything sweet. He also wants to hold everything (the whole waffle, graham cracker, roll, etc.) and be in charge.
Being naked is a favorite and so is showing off his secret parts...ha
Hugs and kisses for his bear Buzz!
We sure do love our little guy and all feels right again having him back home after being apart for 4 days for Chicago! We quickly forgot how tiring having a 18month old around all day is, we didn't know what to do with our time (mainly meals) while away!