Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Resume playing!

Yay for no more yucky snot! It was a long 7 days, but Colin's feeling better and we're all happier ;) We had a good weekend and are happy Derek's been off this week!
Bath boy!
My favorite 2!
Falling asleep from sitting position lately...strange one ;)
I went to my first MOPS group meeting Tues. It was a big group and nice to meet girls in the area! There is a craft each time and this week was making a picture frame.
We've been working on Colin's bathroom. Coat 1 of 2 up and dry!
Little Mason is growing fast and trying to keep up with CTP! 
Unfortunately, we've had 2 storms lately that have caused water leaks in our house... Thankfully we had a roofer come today and will be fixing the roof Friday. Hopefully we won't have to worry about fixing anything in the crawl space or garage! Derek's been working hard this week getting all of that fixed! 7 days until our beach vacation:)

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