Sunday, September 28, 2014

11 months?!

Goodness this past month has gone by fast! In 30 days we'll have a 1 year old!

This dude had a lot happen this month. He started school and loves it (when he gets to go!), he survived a week long respiratory virus, and defeated a stomach virus. Haha, Colin is definitely feeling the wrath of starting school. Better than when he's 5 though! He also went to the beach again!
He is __lbs now, wearing 12-18 month clothes, and size 4 diapers. He has 5 teeth and 1 about to pop out! He's slowly getting sick of his bottle and likes water and oj in his silly cup. He hasn't had baby food in over a month! He likes eating what we have and his favorites are yogurt, fruit breakfast bars,  mac n cheese, grilled cheese, daddy's cereals, and chicken nuggets.
He's still crawling and cruising all over and occasionally lets go to stand alone. He is starting to climb on things this month. He says momma, dadda, up, stop, bye bye. He waves bye, can high five, point with 1 finger, and signal touchdown. He still likes clapping for himself. He's becoming more silly and likes to smile and fake laugh at himself :)
He doesn't like to be left by us, but will be held by anyone and loves attention! I'm glad he's not a super shy baby. He is a good traveler and likes to eat out and watch people!
He's such a sweet thing and I love spending my days with my nugget! We are so blessed and thank God for our healthy baby!

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