Well Colin shared his lovely germies with us :) Stomach conditions are probably the most common thing Derek and I see/treat at work, but totally different when it hits your house at the SAME time! We couldn't get out to get anything we needed! It hit Derek and I at 2am Monday am. It was a miserable morning (and Derek was at work).
Colin was a sweet boy and let me lay on the couch all day while Derek slept. Thankfully Donna came to help that evening and brought food. We got to sleep 12 hours and woke up feeling much better. After more resting yesterday we all feel almost 100% today! Poor Jess got it too and had to miss school :(
Survival Food ;) Thanks again Donna! Colin misses you already!
This morning we left for Gulf Shores! Derek had to work last night, so the boys slept in the back during the drive. The beach is our most favorite place ever. So wish we could move here!
Lambert's stop for lunch! Colin loved it and was even given a balloon-his favorite!
Dude ate good today, munched on crab legs for dinner at The Steamer!
My favorites!! CTP was way more interested this time in the sand and ocean! Already had a mouthful...
Big waves today! Colin is all about hi fives! Allll day long ;)
Our condo was the site of 87 sea turtles hatching! We walked up on the turtle workers digging out the eggs to make sure they all made it! It was so neat to see all the open eggs. There were 3 eggs still intact that didn't hatch. They opened one to show us the embryo, it was so neat!! They apparently hatch, crawl to the ocean, then swim 800+ miles straight to meet with other baby turtles where they stay together for 5-10 years. So interesting, they were so informative!
Must add this one, I can never get him on camera. He constantly gives flirty faces to himself in his car mirror. So cute. So happy he feels better! Mommy can fix most things, but not so much when she is sick too!
Happy Birthday Mom!! Hope you had a wonderful day and hate that we couldn't come spend it with you! You look younger each year but also make me feel older each year too! Time slow down :) So happy you were born just a short 54 years ago!!