Sunday, April 1, 2018

Spring Break part 2

Later in the week we got brave and decided to potty train Connor! There really is no good time to do it, and we're never home for 3 days in a row, so we just went with a new method-- Pray he stays dry in public! A few accidents the first 2 days and totally dry day 3 at the zoo! Thankfully all accidents have been at home. He still has a couple here and there, but we're getting there! We had some fun Easter activities the last few days!

Water colors! So much easier than dyeing them!

Zoo morning! Great minds think alike and Eli and K were there too :)

Jess and Meritt met us there. And all of the Spring Break crowd too-eeek! Kids didn't seem to mind the crowds though.

Reptile loving kids

This boy has been my attachment recently. I love him so :)

Valleydale had their annual egg hunt! Doozie, Nana, and the Cannon crew came.

This little guy is so much fun!

Meritt wasn't too sure what to think, but she got a few eggs and tried desperately to open her candy ;)

Easter babies!

Sweet Micah ran wild and had a ball.

This silly boy got pretty competitive out there and hustled!

Mason filled up fast!

C, Connor, and Mason jumped and did the maze/slide forever and were totally worn out!

Nana and Doozie dished out the popcorn :)

This little one got confident at the end and wanted to be a big girl! Next year Mer, you will own this thing!

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