Saturday, May 6, 2017

Eli the soccer star

Pics from our last week!
Last weekend mom and dad came in town to play!

Cheesin' at church...Connor "did not like" sitting for his picture that day!
After church the whole fam went to watch Eli's soccer game. He scored 3 goals and we enjoyed cheering him on!

Serious fans :)

Connor was ready to join the team!! Eli has really come a long way since last year and seems to really love soccer now!

Post-soccer game Brusters run!
Pawpaw keeping the wild kiddo safe...and Micah looking on like a princess :)

Mimi in charge of all the "boys" as Connor calls them (his 5+animals/blankets he sleeps with )

The 3 boys wrestling day they will be able to really gang up on him!

Monday K joined Mom and I at Trader Joes while the boys were in school. She loved the kids cart and taking care of our groceries!

We got to watch the end of Colin's soccer practice. He's getting better and follows direction from the coach pretty good...just really loves carrying the ball to where he wants to kick it.
Tunnel fun at McWayne Center after work Thursday!

This big guy is too cute and fun!

Tackling dinos with big C...Connor loved going on the big long as daddy carried him up to the top ;)

This little one had a blast with it not being crowded! His block building is quite impressive!
We've been busy with some fun stuff this weekend, but I'll have to post those pictures later bc this momma had a long week and is going to bed before 9:30!!

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