We got back yesterday from Blue Ridge. It was our 1st (of many) road trips as a family of 4! Sooo much to pack to take with us with 2 under 2! On the way up Wednesday, we stopped in Chattanooga to visit our old coworkers at Erlanger and Homeless Clinic. It was fun to show off our new boy and for everyone to see Colin again (It's been since Oct!). The boys did decent on the car ride up, Connor hates the car seat unless he's asleep :) He is also like Colin was with the pack and play at night...up all the time! :/ Colin is so much better now so there is hope! Overall it was a great trip and we'll hopefully get to go back soon!
Colin must have that monkey blanket when he sleeps now ;)
Mamaw was a popular lady!
The weather was in the 70s most of the time, hurry up fall!
Exploring! Colin was obsessed with the baby doll stroller. We found a cute grocery cart to get him, hopefully it will be just as good ;)
Such a cutie!
Little bit required a lot of mommy snuggles this week. He loved walking outside watching brother play. My back is killing me from wearing him in the Bjorn carrier everyday.
Loved all the attention. That tongue is always out :)
C gossiping at the ladies table ;)
We spent Thursday morning at Papaw and Lena's house. Missy, Blair, and Luke came over to meet Connor too! They brought Connor such cute outfits and a toy. They got Colin a drawing board and a cool sweatshirt! Thanks again guys!
Loving on little C
Connor with his new toy. He's starting to grab ahold of toys and play. 2 minutes later-worn out from all that play!
Colin's new BFF :)
Colin played so hard! He was just a tad (ton) spoiled for 3 days :) Saturday we headed back home and stopped by Chattanooga on the way. We ate at one of our old favorites, BrewHaus, then walked around Coolidge park.
Miss this city, many days we wish we were back!
You know it's an awesome park when there is a carousel :)
Unfortunately soon after we got back on the road, Colin threw up everywhere! We pulled over to clean up and thankfully some sweet people with horses were at the gas station and let Colin pet them while I cleaned up the car. Seemed to be just too much apple cider and sugar, soon enough he was back to normal!
Today all the family is getting together to celebrate Caitlin's 29th birthday (it was Wed)! She's been out of state for so many years (maybe 7+), that it's so nice we get to celebrate together again!