Sunday, August 30, 2015

Family road trip!

We got back yesterday from Blue Ridge. It was our 1st (of many) road trips as a family of 4! Sooo much to pack to take with us with 2 under 2! On the way up Wednesday, we stopped in Chattanooga to visit our old coworkers at Erlanger and Homeless Clinic. It was fun to show off our new boy and for everyone to see Colin again (It's been since Oct!). The boys did decent on the car ride up, Connor hates the car seat unless he's asleep :) He is also like Colin was with the pack and play at night...up all the time! :/ Colin is so much better now so there is hope! Overall it was a great trip and we'll hopefully get to go back soon!
Colin must have that monkey blanket when he sleeps now ;)

Mamaw was a popular lady!

The weather was in the 70s most of the time, hurry up fall!
Trip to the apple farm for apples and pies!

Exploring! Colin was obsessed with the baby doll stroller. We found a cute grocery cart to get him, hopefully it will be just as good ;)

Such a cutie!
Little bit required a lot of mommy snuggles this week. He loved walking outside watching brother play. My back is killing me from wearing him in the Bjorn carrier everyday.

Loved all the attention. That tongue is always out :)
C gossiping at the ladies table ;)
We spent Thursday morning at Papaw and Lena's house. Missy, Blair, and Luke came over to meet Connor too! They brought Connor such cute outfits and a toy. They got Colin a drawing board and a cool sweatshirt! Thanks again guys!
Loving on little C

Connor with his new toy. He's starting to grab ahold of toys and play. 2 minutes later-worn out from all that play!

Colin's new BFF :)

Colin played so hard! He was just a tad (ton) spoiled for 3 days :) Saturday we headed back home and stopped by Chattanooga on the way. We ate at one of our old favorites, BrewHaus, then walked around Coolidge park.

Miss this city, many days we wish we were back!
You know it's an awesome park when there is a carousel :)
Unfortunately soon after we got back on the road, Colin threw up everywhere! We pulled over to clean up and thankfully some sweet people with horses were at the gas station and let Colin pet them while I cleaned up the car. Seemed to be just too much apple cider and sugar, soon enough he was back to normal!
Today all the family is getting together to celebrate Caitlin's 29th birthday (it was Wed)! She's been out of state for so many years (maybe 7+), that it's so nice we get to celebrate together again!

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Night shift...

Derek has been on night shift the past few nights. That means we pass by each other around 5 when he gets up for breakfast and we're eating dinner and then he's off to work again. Nights are typically slower for Derek which is good. The challenge is to be quiet during the days so he can sleep! We usually stay out or stay upstairs as much as possible. This weekend Keshia and Alli came! She knows all too well the night shift struggle. Steve was on nights this weekend too which worked out perfect!
Sweet baby loves his blankets soo much! I checked an email on my phone in the play place at McDonalds, and Colin had crawled up into this highchair on his own. Crazy kid, he was very proud and didn't want to get out.

Colin loves Keshia. She was there all morning with me while I was in labor with my nugget. Truly a best friend! Alli and Colin play so well together and she like to take care of him :)
We had great time catching up. Grace came to keep all the kids so we could celebrate Keshia's birthday by getting lunch and pedicures!
If I can't find Colin upstairs, he's either in Connor's closet playing with his shoes or in his room reading to himself in his chair :) Still loves giving kisses to all the stuffed animals.  

This little stinker is a smiley boy most of the time, but man has been giving us a hard time at night! Cries every 2 hours or so but isn't hungry, doesn't want his paci, etc. It's been 4 nights and I hope we get past this phase soon!
Good big brother showing Connor his toys. Connor loves being entertained by big C :)

The weather was so great today (60s this am). Perfect for the park! It's been a while and Colin had a blast! Connor enjoyed being out too. Derek and I even got in a run for our CouchTo5K training. Week 7 of 8 and we're sticking with it surprisingly, ha. It's gotten much easier though and we'll hopefully find a 5K to do next month!
Colin and I have school orientation tonight! Excited to go meet his new teacher and see what he'll be learning in the 2 year old class this year. School has made him grow up so fast this summer and he is learning so much while he's there and how to play with others. They always say how sweet he is! I'm glad he saves his little attitude for me ;) Derek works this evening and then we head to Chattanooga tomorrow to visit our old work places then on to Blue Ridge for a few days to visit Derek's family! This will be 1 of 3 road trips we have the next 3 weeks and I'm excited!

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Connor is 2 months!

Our sweet little one is 2 months now! He is getting more alert and interacting with us more each day. He has such a sweet personality and completes our family perfectly. I'm definitely out numbered over here with Derek, 2 boys, and 2 boy cats. At least Derek agreed we could get a girl dog in a few years ;) I see a lot of quiet, relaxing shopping trips/pedicures in my future while these boys are climbing trees with dad :)

Connor had his 2 month check up today with Dr. Soong. He is 11 lbs 15 oz (36%) and 24 inches long (85%). His head is 88%, no surprise there ;) He had all of his shots and did well. He's growing right on track. He's wearing 3 month clothes and in size 1 diapers. He's eating 4oz every 3 hours. He's gotten much faster at eating and isn't spitting up as much. His hair is still falling out on top, but around the back and sides it's wavy and light brown in color. His eyes are blue/green and haven't changed much in the past month.
During days at home, we have a good schedule for little one. He basically eats, plays an hour or so, then naps in the swing for 1 1/2 hours until his next feeding. Repeat. All day. Haha. I forgot the infant cycle lasts a few months :) He's good about napping when we're out. Night sleep is starting to get more consistent. He gets swaddled and put in his crib around 8 at night. He usually will wake up to eat around 1 and 430/5. Sometimes it's 11, 3, 6. He's up for good between 7-730. He eats and goes back to sleep fast. It's tough to have 2 poor baby sleepers, but we know that one day he will sleep good like Colin does now :) I'm just tired of hearing about everyone's baby sleeping through the night at 6-7 weeks, haha.
He is so smiley after he eats and likes to coo a lot now. He definitely lets us know when he's hungry or tired! He likes to hold blankets at all times :) He's a sweet boy, even in the middle of the night. Colin is coming around to him and Connor likes to watch him. Colin likes to touch his nose and ears :) No big trips yet except to Huntsville. The next month he'll get to go to his first GT game and to New Orleans!

Colin/Connor at 2 months:
(12 lbs and 22.5 inches long! 50% weight, 35% length, 90% head circumference)

Definitely don't look alike at this age. Close in weight and head, but Connor at this age is a long boy!

Sunday, August 16, 2015


We've had a busy last few days! Josh had surgery Thursday on his shoulder and is pretty limited in what he can do/lift. Mom came down to help them and we went back and forth visiting. Derek had a New Orleans bachelor party weekend for Cole and had a great time catching up with old friends.
1st picture of the boys together. Colin was a good sport about it so I'll have to take some more now :) He likes to sit on my lap and talk to him now, just not touch. He's always concerned about where he's at.

This guy and his expressions...and that belly ;) He turned 2 months Saturday! He's been eating like a champ. I'm looking forward to his doc appointment Wednesday to see that he weighs. He seems like a long boy to me. I'll do a 2 month post Wednesday, but thankfully this sweetie has been sleeping good at night and only waking up btw 12-1 and 4-5 to eat. Then sleeps until 7. We didn't get a schedule like that with Colin until about month 5!! He definitely has some fussy evenings, but he's a happy boy all day long.
Barnes and Noble date with my boys after school. It's definitely interesting chasing Colin down aisles while holding Connor and leaving behind the car seat and diaper bags...I'm sure we were a site! haha. Gotta get out there and just do it though!
Colin acts so grown (most of the time) now. He's getting more adventurous with foods again (that's spicy humus with pita). He also talks sooo much now. The other night after bath he ran to the playroom naked. A minute later he came and took me in there to show me the train table and said "pee pee, bye-bye pee pee" (see above table that is very very wet, haha). He also waves bye to his pee in his diapers, so he's definitely aware of what's happening...may be ready to try this whole potty training in a few months! We're working on colors and numbers right now and he does so good with his flashcards!
Connor and I went to visit Aunt Jessie last week before her school year starts. She always decorates so cute and I know her students will love her! The kids I read to last year in her class just adored her!

Colin finally pulled the gate off at the top of the stairs, ha. It was on it's last leg. He also refuses any kind of help going up and down and spends a lot of his day going downstairs to bring me back up random gifts (like coins, earplugs, etc from Derek's side table). Love his giving spirit, hehe :) Connor is very much like Colin in that he LOVES outside and prefers the stroller over the car seat. Love our evening family walks!
Big brother loves helping bath time by pumping the soap for me :)

Visiting Mimi and the kids while Josh was in surgery Thursday. These 2 love Connor and are so gentle and sweet! They will be excited to love on little Micah in 4 more months too! It was much more invasive of a surgery and his left arm has to be immobile for 6 weeks :( He's being a trooper though!

Trip to Target while Josh rested and Connor stayed with Grace. Poor Colin only napped 45 minutes Friday and was in such a bad mood all day. Getting out with the cousins helped a little. Eli is such a great big cousin and him and C love playing with each other! Love that they are sitting in the same position :)

Pizza party with the Shoemakes! The kids played great together! Everyone is Kendall's baby doll and needs to be rocked :)

Casino time for Derek and the guys in New Orleans! He won $12, haha.

Papaw came to stay this weekend with us and we enjoyed the company and help! Mom headed to see Grandma Saturday morning for the week.

Gizmo making sure I stay up for my pushups! Still struggling through the couch to 5K program. 20 minute run today was tough, but I survived!

Rockin' Kendall's sunglasses :)
Being silly today waiting on daddy to come home!! I'm so glad he got to have a get-away and reconnect with old college friends, but we're so happy that he's on the way back!