Big C is now 20 months, so close to being 2, which is nuts! He cracks us up daily and gives us a few more gray hairs too ;) I did a really detailed 19 month post and not too much has changed this month! Here is what has changed... He now wears mostly 24mo/2T clothes, he is saying more and more and now can put 2 words together like 'push button' or bye-bye love you'. He's so sensitive and sweet (most of the time) and gets his feelings hurt easy. He gets pushed around some at school and playing around big kids, but never retaliates. He just gets sad and cries...for now at least ;). He wants to walk everywhere and up/down stairs like a big guy. He likes to rock his baby brother and say hi/bye to him constantly and give him his paci. He loves making animal sounds and will sing along to certain songs. His favorite is 'itsy bitsy spider' and will even do his fingers like a spider. He's liking school more this summer, probably because he doesn't have to nap there :)
Little C turned 2 weeks today! Fastest 2 weeks ever...even with missing sleep. He's such a sweet boy and sleeps most of the time still. He is getting a little more routine at night and wakes up to eat every 3 hours. He's sleeping by our bed in the mamaroo still since he's so quiet. Unfortunately we had to start him on Alimentum formula Friday night. He had been fussy during feeds for a few days, especially at night. After some poop problems, we made the switch and he's been much happier. He's a happy daytime baby and doesn't mind being on the go. He sleeps great in his car seat and stroller.
Connor is now 7.15 lbs (35%), 22in (98%), and his head is 37cm (88%)
Our little thumb sucking snuggle baby
At the doctor today...he was clearly bored
Stretching out on Mamaw's quilt she made him! So cute and matches his room :)
We are so blessed to have 2 healthy, happy boys. I am also ecstatic to be done with pregnancy ;) I'm a lucky lady to have 3 amazing men to protect me!