Monday, June 29, 2015

CTP is 20 months & CAP is 2 weeks!

Big C is now 20 months, so close to being 2, which is nuts! He cracks us up daily and gives us a few more gray hairs too ;) I did a really detailed 19 month post and not too much has changed this month! Here is what has changed... He now wears mostly 24mo/2T clothes, he is saying more and more and now can put 2 words together like 'push button' or bye-bye love you'. He's so sensitive and sweet (most of the time) and gets his feelings hurt easy. He gets pushed around some at school and playing around big kids, but never retaliates. He just gets sad and cries...for now at least ;). He wants to walk everywhere and up/down stairs like a big guy. He likes to rock his baby brother and say hi/bye to him constantly and give him his paci. He loves making animal sounds and will sing along to certain songs. His favorite is 'itsy bitsy spider' and will even do his fingers like a spider. He's liking school more this summer, probably because he doesn't have to nap there :)
No time for pictures anymore with this one...he's too busy!
Little C turned 2 weeks today! Fastest 2 weeks ever...even with missing sleep. He's such a sweet boy and sleeps most of the time still. He is getting a little more routine at night and wakes up to eat every 3 hours. He's sleeping by our bed in the mamaroo still since he's so quiet. Unfortunately we had to start him on Alimentum formula Friday night. He had been fussy during feeds for a few days, especially at night. After some poop problems, we made the switch and he's been much happier. He's a happy daytime baby and doesn't mind being on the go. He sleeps great in his car seat and stroller.
Connor is now 7.15 lbs (35%), 22in (98%), and his head is 37cm (88%)

Our little thumb sucking snuggle baby

At the doctor today...he was clearly bored
Stretching out on Mamaw's quilt she made him! So cute and matches his room :)
We are so blessed to have 2 healthy, happy boys. I am also ecstatic to be done with pregnancy ;) I'm a lucky lady to have 3 amazing men to protect me!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Sleepy Head and 1 week old!

Oh how jealous I have been this week of our little sleepy head. He can nap anywhere...the zoo/Chickfila play place, arms out/swaddled...he's happy sleeping no matter what the situation is. He does good on the go and for that I am thankful! We pretty much do our typical routine and Connor just joins :) He's overall doing great. Eating/snacking every 2-3 hours during the day and sleeping the rest of the day. At night he'll go 3-4 hours and fall right back to sleep. I'm actually getting more sleep now than I was the last 2 months pregnant!
Little bit was 1 week Monday. Time sure does fly! Wouldn't wake up for his pic.
Colin at 1 week. Definitely different coloring. And Colin looks like he's in the middle of a boxing match ;)

We've had lots of visitors! Aunt Jess, Aunt Caitlin, Eli, Ross & Laura (brought us Al's-yumm), Ellie, and Marjorie with her kids.

Pool afternoon with the boys at Lifetime. Colin was so worn out!

When did he become a 'kid'!?
Bath time sweetness! His cord stump fell off so he got his 1st real bath!
We sneak in cuddle time at any time possible!!

Sweet Dreams :)

Daily walks around the neighborhood and a visit to our favorite Chick-fil-a!

Colin has been such a trooper this past week. I couldn't really have envisioned a smoother first week. He leaves Connor pretty much alone and doesn't mind us holding/feeding/loving on him. We give him lots of praise and extra attention each day and I think being back in school is helping too. I'm looking forward to the grandparents coming this weekend so I can spend some special one on one time with my big guy! Me and the boys survived our 1st day alone today while Derek worked. It was a pain to have to carry in Connor's car seat and Colin in and out of school, but we did it! Thank goodness for 2 good nappers too so I could get some things done too!

Sunday, June 21, 2015

*Fathers Day*

~Yesterday's post had a ton of Colin/Connor pics from our first week home in case you missed it~

We've had a fun day celebrating Derek today on his 2nd Father's Day/1st Father's Day as a daddy of 2 cute boys! He even got up for Connor's 630am feeding this morning because he rocks :)

Colin's artwork from school for daddy!
We got up in time to feed/dress the boys and head to the zoo when it opened up. It was a hot morning, but thankfully a lot of the exhibits are indoor. Colin loves the zoo more each visit and is getting good at spotting the animals quick! Connor ate once and slept the rest of the time :) Colin even got to try out the splash pad this time, he was in heaven! It was adorable and he had a blast. Getting out with both of them hasn't been as hard as I had thought, just takes a lot of preparing the night before!

Awesome daddy teaching him about the animals!
Colin still doesn't like when Connor touches him, ha. Can you tell? Connor spent his morning comatose ;)

He ran to each exhibit with his hands out saying "where are youuu?" He loved the monkeys the most and made their sound all morning.

Connor clearly loved his first zoo trip.

Loved watching from a distance...we all know how riding it would actually go...

So fun! C loves to shake his fists and say 'woahhhh' about everything fun! Looks like he's flexing real hard :)
Loves his daddy and kept him close at all times :)
Loved it would be an understatement. Took a lot of bribing to get him out of there!
He's never passed out so fast at nap!
I knew Derek would be good daddy material when we were dating, but he's more amazing at it than I could've imagined. Colin adores his daddy so much and I know Connor will be the same way! These boys have a lot to learn from their daddy and I know the 3 of them will be the best of friends :)
Of course, I wouldn't exist if it weren't for my dad, ha! He's been such a great role model to me the last 30 years. I've always been a daddy's girl and get a lot of my characteristics from my dad. He's always made us feel loved growing up and is the most involved/hands on dad. I'm also thankful that Derek was raised by a good dad who taught him so much and gave him the drive to work hard and teach his kiddos everything he knows. He's so patient and put his family first thanks to Terry. They both are amazing grand-dads to our kids too!


Saturday, June 20, 2015

First week family of 4!

We've had quite a nice transition to being a family of 4! The first day we came home Colin was definitely a little anxious about the baby when he cried. He also loved all the baby toys we pulled out for Colin. It's been a few days now and he's pretty awesome with "baby". He's constantly saying hi and bye to "baby" and rocking him in the car seat or rock and play. He loves to give him his paci! Thankfully, he doesn't care if we are holding Connor and just looks confused now when he cries. Still a little too nervous to touch him. I'd say we are extremely happy about how well he's taken the new addition so far!


Connor is just the sweetest baby! We really just get to cuddle a sleeping baby all day and we're in heaven. He's a little slow to eat, but can sleep anywhere and loves his hands free. He lost a little too much weight so we are doing breast and bottle and although I dreaded pumping with a toddler, it's gone great and Colin doesn't seem phased. We have to wake him twice at night to feed him and he sleeps so good on his mamaroo chair by our bed. 

1st doctor's visit to see Dr. Soong!

Pretty flowers from Nana!

Little bit of regressing, haha.
1st sponge bath!

We've gone out a few times and everything has been smooth so far, little C just sleeps while big C runs wild. He is such a calm addition to the family. We even got out with just Connor today while Ellie kept Colin during nap. We had a lunch date and ran errands...I'm pretty sure Connor only woke up once to eat real fast.

Lots of walks around the neighborhood this week! Per Colin's request of course ;) Connor loves outside just as much as Colin! Colin liked his new stroller seat too.

Thinks he's big stuff now that there is a baby at home. He loves pushing Connor too :)

Lunch date with my boys!

Caught him sucking his thumb. He was quite good at it too, haha. He's pretty cute, I think we'll keep him :)