1st I must wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my fabulous dad! 55 years young! Hope you had a great day dad, sad I can't spend it with you. We'll celebrate soon though!!!
What a fun month! Colin is getting so big and is basically a toddler now. Good timing since we always talk about the 'baby' coming soon. It's his last month of being the only child! He keeps us busy and keeps us laughing! Current favorites: blocks (mostly destroying block towers), train table, slides, Ellie, being chased, bath time, anything outside, balls, Toy Story and The Lorax, watching videos of himself, 'bump' and 'bam' everything :)
What a fun month! Colin is getting so big and is basically a toddler now. Good timing since we always talk about the 'baby' coming soon. It's his last month of being the only child! He keeps us busy and keeps us laughing! Current favorites: blocks (mostly destroying block towers), train table, slides, Ellie, being chased, bath time, anything outside, balls, Toy Story and The Lorax, watching videos of himself, 'bump' and 'bam' everything :)
Still loves his animals/lovies and brings most of them down in the AM :) Usually feels free to steal my breakfast too!
He's a tall/skinny boy now. Still hovering around 27lbs. Wearing 18-24month clothes and size 5 diapers. He's tall enough to climb onto chairs/couches now. Thankfully hasn't tried to climb out of his crib yet! He's still a bit picky about food and is more of a snacker. Favorites are still yogurt, grapes, pizza, chicken, corn, any kind of cracker or sweet. He's very routine and still sleeps 12-3 everyday and at night 730-830. He doesn't like those times to change and after some books and a little rocking he just points to his crib ready to crash. We are lucky in that department :)
Cousin fun at the McWayne Center
Minus another ear infection this month, he has been so enjoyable this past month. He has had very few meltdowns and isn't pushing our buttons so much (it's been a nice break!). He's talking/answering us more, understanding us more, and following commands. He has had so much fun being out and more adventurous. He loves the parks, chickfila play place, and the McWayne Center. It's so fun watching him discover new things each day. He just takes up the stairs and is so brave. He's still cautious and doesn't do anything too risky. I don't really worry with him, only in parking lots...gotta work on holding hands thing ;)
This boy definitely is the best thing and we love him to bits!
He still loves his mama and dada. This month he has followed Derek everywhere and gets sad when he leaves. Its too cute...and it shows how awesome of a dad Derek is. He loves his boy and has saved me at the end of this pregnancy doing so much with C! He's exposed to family and friends a lot, but still doesn't like being away from us. He gets over it fast when we leave him with people at least, and usually is well behaved for other people too. One day he'll realize we're not leaving forever :) Of course we miss him when we're away for even just a little bit too! Perk of SAHM right?! C and I are both soaking up all this one on one time!!