Our boy will be 17 months tomorrow! Almost 1/2 way through year two with this cute thing. So much of Colin's personality was blogged about last post, so I'll just add a few cute new things with some pictures from our week! He's big guy these days, wearing mostly 18 month clothes and up to a size 5 diaper! He weighs almost 27lbs. We'll get stats next month at the doc. He has 8 front teeth and 2 top molars so far.

Oh food...totally toddler picky these days. He will just shake his head no at most food without touching it. Ha. Such a control thing at this age. He does love- yogurt, grapes, applesauce pouches, chicken nuggets with ketchup, shells and cheese, sweet potato fries/tater tots, any kind of cracker or cookie, smoothies, corn, anything sweet (of course certain days, all of those are a no). We have found that if he can take full control of the food, he's more likely to eat it. Whole waffles, muffins, pouches, and now apples is a new favorite. He'll carry it around forever and eat the skin too. Still won't touch milk unless it's room temp. He does love any kind of shake or smoothie, we have some now that have spinach and carrots in it and it's like a treat to him!

Kiddo loves outside (who doesn't!) and constantly runs to the garage door or back porch door trying to open the door (he almost has it). His favorite is to go on the porch while I'm cooking at night and run around. We got him a tool bench and a water table to put out there next week (after the freezing weekend we have coming up!). He loves the park and feeding the ducks too :)

He loves to babble, but says few words in English :) Occasionally he'll mimic us and surprise us. He is able to say many words, but usually says something for a while and then stops for months. We're working on animals/sounds, saying thank you (he repeats sometimes) types of food/milk, understanding places -school, park, store, etc. He loves saying uh-oh and uh huh. He's great at nodding his head no and yes, and has occasionally said no or yes with it correctly. He definitely understands a lot. He can follow most commands, knows where to go for meal time, bath, the car, etc. Kind of like training a dog, ha. He definitely understands no (throwing is our big issue lately) and doesn't take it well...still laying on his back or hitting his forehead against the floor. But he recovers fast, that's a positive, right?! ha.

We've had a fair share of tantrums in public, I wish I could say I handle it like a pro now, but I've got some work to do too :) He just loves his freedom. I definitely give him a lot of it, I don't like being a helicopter. He is always around older kids and has a hard time keeping up sometimes which causes most of his meltdowns. He wants to do everything they do! He also likes to lock kids out of things that have doors. He stands there and holds it closed...power trip thing :) He generally loves being out though and is getting more social with people and other kids. He loves waving at people in the parking lot and sharing toys (so far). If we could just work on him not constantly trying to out-run me!
Ya'll, this poor child has my head! You see that kid and his average size head next to C above? We'll he's 2!! Sorry Colin! Also, he may have my thick ankles...
He's getting more adventurous and it's fun watching him with other kids. He's very careful most of the time and likes to watch others. Everything is so exciting to him, it's cute. He loves putting things together and still loves books. He's picky about which ones he picks out at night. He still loves Mickey, Curious George, Toy Story, and Despicable Me. I think it will take some time to adjust, of course, but I think he'll be a good big brother and probably get them both into a lot of fun and trouble!

He's still a momma's boy and that's ok by me. I want my boys to be boys and be tough and strong, but also want them to be caring and loving too. I get a lot of night time love and I'm soaking it up until he's over it! He still loves to carry Ellie around and hug her. He likes to hug pretty much every stuffed animal. He gives kisses on occasion and they are juicy :) We love him more and more each day and can't believe he's so big! This will be his 2nd Easter/Mothers/Fthers Day/summer, etc. (3rd Halloween!). No more 1st this year and that's seems crazy!
Cuddle time with brother last night. He is all about crawling all over my lap and laying on Connor these days. Hope he feels the same way when Connor is here and crying in his face! hehe.