Saturday, February 28, 2015

It's a....

BOY! Little Connor will be joining our family in 3+ months!
So I caved...and I was dying to surprise Derek with the gender since I didn't get to surprise him with the whole pregnancy thing. I'd say he was surprised! I had Dr. Bank's nurse write in a Valentine's card baby boy/baby girl while I wasn't looking and she sealed it so I wouldn't know either. That was a tough 2 days carrying that thing around :) Since C and I were going to Chatty for the weekend, I had Derek open it up that night. We told family and friends the next weekend since they came into town on Friday. I'd say my family was a little surprised. Kendall reigns as queen cousin with 4 boys to boss around. We told Derek's side when we went to Huntsville for Donna's birthday. I think they were a little surprised that we caved and found out. Jess, up to you to have a girl to balance out these boys :)
After the initial shock wore off (he was convinced from day 1 it was a girl), the excitement kicked in! I have always felt like I was destined to have boys. Maybe it was because I was a tough girl to raise (I believe being sent to grandmother's was threatened seriously a few times...don't blame them, I was rotten). Maybe it's because I have a sister and she's my best friend and I'd love to see that same gender relationship for Colin. Maybe because I'd rather go to a ball field 100x more than a ballet studio (and I actually did ballet...probably in Umbro shorts :)). I'm just thrilled to see 2 wild, rowdy boys grow up together. I know Derek's going to have 2 instant best friends and will have so much man time! As for mommy, I'll be queen bee and always feel protected by my 3 men :)

Yup, with our weekends away, had to take the pics the same day. Ha. Split in the middle (Wednesday)!
Now the fun begins! We've thought of name options for a while, but decided to go with our other favorite name, Connor. We had a hard time picking Colin vs Connor, so now we have both! Still working on his middle name. We've already been working on the nursery and have a few decorating ideas! Even though the 2nd baby gets a little less fussed about, it's also our last baby and I want to enjoy every single part about it! So much easier now that we know it's a boy!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Snow day

Happy birthday Donna/Nana! Hope you enjoyed your pretty snowy day and enjoyed yummy melting pot!

It's been a crazy weather week! After a lot of chilly days, they finally predicted a day of snow for us Wednesday. Less than thrilling when that means you're stuck at home with a bored 16 month old...At least Derek got off Wednesday morning, we all sat waiting for the snow. Nope, no snow, only rain all day for us. We sure did get a lot of house things done. North of us got 6+ inches and we got to see a lot of pretty pictures! Right as we were getting ready for bed it started snowing here, just enough to be pretty. 
Our accumulation...
Mom's accumulation... ha
Thankfully everything was all melted this morning and Colin had school as usual. Derek and I got some shopping in, which included a new washer and dryer! No more mildew smelling clothes and having to run 2+ drying cycles. Kids=lots of gross laundry so I'm excited to get these in a few weeks!
We also found some more wall decor and had a lunch date :) We're finally getting around to finishing up some rooms and projects! Finale's room is all cleaned up and just have to take out the bed and put in the crib. Then paint time next week!!

Colin got treated to Steak and Shake after school for being so awesome this week. Minimal fit pitching and whininess deserves cheese fries and a shake! I think someone is just a tiny bit happy to be center of attention again and not have to share his toys, although we miss you mini-Shoemakes! It was a nice 'weekend'' for us since Derek works Friday-Sunday night.
This guy is 16 months Saturday! We'll be heading back to Chatty while daddy works to see some resident friends that moved to SC!

I feel the same way about my milkshakes...don't judge me! ;)

Tuesday, February 24, 2015


My Blog site has been having issues + no more storage space on my phone = no recent blog post :( I got a few pics of the last week. Here's what we've been up to!
 'Finale' got a Mamaroo! Colin was super impressed by it :)
We quit our gym and have been doing good working out at home- 3 days last week! Got to keep it up!
The Shoemakes' moved into their new home! The guys worked fast and they were all unpacked in a few hours!

Celebratory post-move dinner at our place with everyone. Mason is running around now too and keeps up with Colin pretty good! Love this crazy crew :)

Early birthday celebration for Donna in Huntsville Sunday!
Lots of attention for little bit. I got to sit back and do a lot of nothing! It was very relaxing after our last few busy/sick weeks.
Of course, birthday cake! Yumm :)
Rubbing momma's cheek before bed, sweetness.

Colin's artwork from school for us for Valentines. I think he likes blue...a lot of it too. 
Lots of cleaning and organizing the house! Pantry baskets are a must!
Reunion for these boys- Juno's crate was the highlight of Colin's night tonight :)
Derek's been on nights, but thankfully is off for 2 days...snow is in the forecast tomorrow and I loaded up on groceries today just in case! Family snow day...maybe!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Colin had his 1st Valentines date :) He and I went up to Chatty to see Keshia and Alli Saturday. They were too cute chasing each other around. Colin still was fussy and not too happy in general, so we only stayed for the day. Keshia had her babysitter come while the kiddos napped so we could have some girl time. Nothing better than a PF Changs lunch and some shopping with your bestie!
Little Heartbreaker :)
Best GALentine's Day date ever!

Derek had to work Saturday and Sunday, but we had family day Monday! We went up to the mall to look for C some new shoes. He loved riding in the car there. We played at the Disney store for a bit and also went to make 'Finale' a build-a-bear! We all have one that kind of go together. Colin took all his monthly pictures with his (Buzz). I'm not ashamed to admit that I sleep with mine every night :)

Tuesday C finally went back to school! He has been so clingy I just knew school would be a mess after missing last week, but I think he was very ready to go after getting an awesome report from his teacher. Yesterday evening Derek and I got to celebrate a late Valentines dinner at Highland while Cait and Josh kept Colin. It was our first date night out in a while and it was nice! Afterwards, we stopped by Ross and Laura's Mardi Gras party. They were super festive and had a good crowd.

2 of my favorites-my handsome hubs and dessert :) Ross made that lovely head-dress, ha.

Today we got up and went to story time at the library. It was fun that Derek got to join! C just takes it all in...most of the kids are much older so he is amazed watching them do all the dance moves :) 

Just love that little face! So proud of himself :)

Saturday, February 14, 2015

21/22 weeks!

Downhill we go! Only 18 more fast weeks until Finale is here!

Finale kicks all throughout the day...hopeful this is not indicative of his/her nap schedule ;) Minus some headaches and my left ligament giving me trouble, I feel great! Sleeping great minus the weird dreams. Same things I had with Colin. We have all the furniture for his/her room and soon will arrange everything once Eli moves out. Still working on a good paint color for the room.
Definitely in maternity clothes, not sure on weight gain until we go back to the OB next week. With Colin I requested them not tell me my gain each visit, I couldn't handle those big numbers!! But you got to just laugh. Who cares, it will go away just like those 65lbs with Colin did.

(Have to come back to add the US pics we did)
I got to go visit Derek at work this week and he did an ultrasound. We don't have anymore scheduled with the OB, so we just sneak our own :) Everything is getting quite big in there! It's hard to get the whole body on the screen. The babe should be about 1lb now and the size of a baby doll. He/she has hair and eyelashes and can hear/feel touch now too. So cool!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Our Week

Our week consisted of yummy pink medicine, lots of Tylenol/Motrin, popsicles, and... 
Sick day 1- Relaxing on dad

Sick day 2- Nugget and his animals watching a movie

Sick day 3- stroller ride outside...Our hawk sleeping in his tree. He's so big and neat to watch fly around!

Sick day 3- His position while awake all day, sweet snuggles

Sick day 4- morning at the library...finally walking and playing again :)

Such fun!

Baby Dr. Love
Feeling better must mean 1 thing- we must pitch a fit over not getting to throw the Wii machine across the room. Just had to snap this pitiful lip :) It lasted all of 2 seconds.

Today, he's pretty much 100%. Poor kid has been sick so much his 15months of life and has had much higher fevers, but man did this ear infection tick him off. I think it was the lack of balance and body control...lets hope we avoid another one of those for a while!

Sweet boy finishing part of Toy Story. He's in for a rude awakening next week when he's back on 2 shows a day and no more laying around in pjs :) We did have a lot of good 1 on 1 time this week. He's getting so smart and likes to try to say so much now! This week he's been saying these newbies--cow moo, meow (with a head tilt), close, go go go, sock, thank you (sounds like tant too), and fish.
Tomorrow me and little bit are heading to Chatty for a last minute trip to love on some friends who need some hugs...and some chocolate :)