BOY! Little Connor will be joining our family in 3+ months!
So I caved...and I was dying to surprise Derek with the gender since I didn't get to surprise him with the whole pregnancy thing. I'd say he was surprised! I had Dr. Bank's nurse write in a Valentine's card baby boy/baby girl while I wasn't looking and she sealed it so I wouldn't know either. That was a tough 2 days carrying that thing around :) Since C and I were going to Chatty for the weekend, I had Derek open it up that night. We told family and friends the next weekend since they came into town on Friday. I'd say my family was a little surprised. Kendall reigns as queen cousin with 4 boys to boss around. We told Derek's side when we went to Huntsville for Donna's birthday. I think they were a little surprised that we caved and found out. Jess, up to you to have a girl to balance out these boys :)
After the initial shock wore off (he was convinced from day 1 it was a girl), the excitement kicked in! I have always felt like I was destined to have boys. Maybe it was because I was a tough girl to raise (I believe being sent to grandmother's was threatened seriously a few times...don't blame them, I was rotten). Maybe it's because I have a sister and she's my best friend and I'd love to see that same gender relationship for Colin. Maybe because I'd rather go to a ball field 100x more than a ballet studio (and I actually did ballet...probably in Umbro shorts :)). I'm just thrilled to see 2 wild, rowdy boys grow up together. I know Derek's going to have 2 instant best friends and will have so much man time! As for mommy, I'll be queen bee and always feel protected by my 3 men :)
Yup, with our weekends away, had to take the pics the same day. Ha. Split in the middle (Wednesday)!
Now the fun begins! We've thought of name options for a while, but decided to go with our other favorite name, Connor. We had a hard time picking Colin vs Connor, so now we have both! Still working on his middle name. We've already been working on the nursery and have a few decorating ideas! Even though the 2nd baby gets a little less fussed about, it's also our last baby and I want to enjoy every single part about it! So much easier now that we know it's a boy!