Our little nugget is 15 months, what?! This last month he has changed so much and this is by far the best stage so far! He is so funny and is learning new things each day!
Ellie comes with us everywhere
His happy place is outside, just like his parents. He loves the park, the wagon, his push car, anything outdoors. He's really enjoying the McWayne Center too and wants to be very hands on. He will point out dogs and cats while we're out and just loves animals.
He is talking all the time (his special language)...but can say- bye, mama, dada, book, up, moo, cat, and yeah all consistently. He shakes his head no when he's done eating/drinking. He's great at sharing food and toys if you ask him to. He points where he wants to go (usually up the stairs:)) and will go to the door or his hi-chair if you tell him to. He's particular about which book he wants before bed and will shake no until he finds the one he wants. He loves books! He points at his tummy now too.
He is walking great now and thinks he's a big boy at the park. He even does the biggest tube slide on his own as of yesterday. Got to keep up with Eli :) He finally prefers walking over crawling and is quite proud of himself! He likes holding one of our fingers to walk too, so precious.
Feeding the ducks yesterday, he loved it! He also loved eating the old bread too ;)
This boy loves his mama when he's tired or hurt, but so much loves his dad and says dada all day long. They will for sure have lots of dad/son adventures in the future, especially this summer when Finale comes. He gets so excited to see us pick him up from school and seems to really have fun there. He still hates being dropped off or being left at home with anyone but us.
He loves to give kisses now...with tongue...of course! He leans in and everything, haha.
We went to see Dr. Soong Tuesday and this boy is growing good! He took his shots like a pro too. He weighed 25.10lbs (66%), is 33in tall (94%), and his head is 86% (getting more proportional)! He's going to be tall and slender like his dad. He is on track with his development and speech too. He's eating great and sleeping great too. We've been dealing with possible night terrors a few nights this week which were pitiful. After changing his bedtime routine last night, he slept sound and hopefully those will be over for now. He's still taking a great 3 hour nap everyday too. He's so sweet when he gets up from bed or nap, just sits there quietly playing with his lovie and Ellie until we come get him :)
This face..so many expressions all day long. He's obsessed with these Mardi Gras beads this week.
We're excited to head to Blue Ridge and Chattanooga tomorrow for 4 days! It's probably been since September since we've visited either place- wayyy too long for us! We'll get to catch up with lots of family and Chatty friends :) Here are a few more walking pics from today- he is already trying to run!