Thursday, June 21, 2018

10 years married, father's day, and more

Last Thursday Derek and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary! It's hard to believe it's been that long already. So much has happened the past 10 years and life hasn't slowed down any, haha. I'm so lucky to have a best friend I get excited to wake up to everyday :)

Maui honeymoon!

10 years later!

Dinner out to celebrate at Gianmarcos. We took our bottle from the wine blending class we did a few months ago and it was yummy!

Connor's birthday is sandwiched in between our anniversary and father's day. We had a fun party to celebrate the little man and the next day Derek's wish was to relax for his day :) He got to watch some World Cup games and stay in pjs. It was a much needed rest day around here. These boys think he's the best thing in the world and he's such a great daddy to them!

Daddy's adventure buddies :)

---And life lately...gym/pool days, work, and some adventures in between---

It was soooooo hot, haha

Can't beat bowling and icee drinks!

Night out with work friends to say farewell to Tammy, we'll miss her! This boy loves snuggling lately.
So many pool days lately--these boys keep us busy with the deep end and now Colin does the big slide there. Belle decided to join the slip and slide last night :)

1 comment:

  1. He-he! This is the cutest post I have come across. It is also my 10th wedding anniversary this year. I am planning to celebrate in one of the same wedding venues NYC where I got married. My kids really want to see that place. It can be a long vacation for us just like this.
