Sunday, December 31, 2017

Christmas 2017!

What a wonderful Christmas we had! It was a full Christmas weekend of fun with family and we were lucky Derek was off all 4 days with us :) Christmas Eve after church service we had everyone over for cookie decorating fun! We had such a fun time as adults doing it last year that I hope we can keep this going each year! The kids got into too and enjoyed decorating a cake for Jesus's birthday too. Noah was the winner and his cookie was pretty fabulous. Caitlin struggled to accept 2nd place...which was the case last year too ;) haha. We ended the night seeing (or more like tracking down in Caitlin's van) Santa ride by on the firetruck and put our carrots for the reindeer. 

 Of course both boys slept in Christmas, Derek eventually woke up Connor. In a few years I'm sure that won't be the case! The boys were instantly excited to see their drum yet and Santa bags. They really only asked for 'star wars toys' this year and Santa didn't disappoint. Star Wars candy, underwear, socks, toothbrush, rainboots, sabers, blasters, costumes, books, name it. Star Wars explosion, haha. The boys were in love with it all! We jumped in the car once everything was opened and went to Jessica's for Patterson Christmas time! We had a great brunch potluck and opened gifts there. It was Meritt's 1st Christmas and she was too cute trying to figure out what was going on. The boys got some cute toys (mostly more Star Wars, ha) and we played for a while before coming home for naps. Then I got cooking with mom for dinner at our house for Andrews Christmas fun! They kids ran wild and ate Jesus's birthday cake and had a ball opening their presents from each other. It was a long, fun day and I felt so blessed to get to spend Christmas with everyone. The kids' excitement all day was so cute and just as they are getting the words to Christmas songs down, now its time to put it all away! We still have been singing Jingle Bells at bed anyway ;)

I've learned SO much about Star Wars :)





Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Christmas activities and Micah is 2!

We had a fun December with all the Christmas activities! I tried to put them all into 1 post :)

Christmas lunch at school with little C!




This year Colin was excited to tell Santa that he wanted "star wars stuff"...Connor had mixed feelings.


Poor Mer was not impressed with her first Santa experience! She recovered fast though.

Men teaching little men to shoot

We decided after the Santa trauma, we needed to shop!!

Zoo light safari fun!

Connor wasn't too sure about the 80mph wind machine! Meritt experienced her first carousel ride :)

We got to celebrate Micah turning 2 last week!

Sweet birthday girl has always been the baby of the family and she seems so grown now!

Cousin time is always a good time!

Went to see 'The Star'. Connor's 1st movie theater experience! They both did so good and it was a cute Christmas movie.

More Christmas crafts and they helped me with Santa's cookies :)

Baking with kids is everyone's favorite activity, right?!? Belle sometimes serves as their mini horse ;)

Christmas Eve service at church, the boys know all about the Christmas story and loved this manger set up at church.

Christmas service at Highlands last week with cousins! 

Derek got them started on cinnamon toast with breakfast...and sometimes even some hot chocolate :)

Christmas time with toddlers can be so sweet and sometimes hilarious. Their favorite thing all month was getting their candy from the advent calendar (I remember I loved that as well), singing Jingle Bells, and watching Rudolf. They still are running around the house singing Christmas songs. They will be pretty disappointed when we have to take down all the lights and decorations!