Our big guy is 4 today! I would say that I can't believe it...but reality is that he is wiser beyond his years and has seemed 4 for the past 2 years ;) He is such a big guy these days and so responsible and sweet. We are such proud parents of this smart boy and love watching him grow and learn more and more!
The past 4 birthdays :)
Sweet boy still has the best smile :)
I love that he's gotten sillier each year...he is a hoot
Birthday morning! This little climbing monkey wanted donuts for breakfast
We celebrated with family and friends at a local bounce house place and had it all to ourselves!!
4 of his class buddies came and all the cousins (minus sick little Meritt)
Lots of bouncing and playground fun!
Everyone loved helping Colin open his presents, haha. He got a lot of really cool toys!
Pizza, cupcakes, and cookies--yum!! C worked through his shyness/doesn't like to be center of attention and really seemed to enjoy himself! Until it as all over and he really didn't like that...ha
After-party Couch afternoon with the fam! Both boys were worn out from the morning's fun and sugar crash and woke up a short time later ready to play again!
The adult room...and then where all the kids want to be...with Pawpaw
As I was typing this post- these 3 were napping while 4 kids played upstairs LOUD, ha
Colin needed extra dad cuddles after rest....Connor was totally digging wing night!
Sweet cousins!