Saturday, October 28, 2017

*CTP is 4*

Our big guy is 4 today! I would say that I can't believe it...but reality is that he is wiser beyond his years and has seemed 4 for the past 2 years ;) He is such a big guy these days and so responsible and sweet. We are such proud parents of this smart boy and love watching him grow and learn more and more!

The past 4 birthdays :)

Sweet boy still has the best smile :)

I love that he's gotten sillier each year...he is a hoot 

Birthday morning! This little climbing monkey wanted donuts for breakfast

We celebrated with family and friends at a local bounce house place and had it all to ourselves!!

4 of his class buddies came and all the cousins (minus sick little Meritt)

Lots of bouncing and playground fun!

Everyone loved helping Colin open his presents, haha. He got a lot of really cool toys!


Pizza, cupcakes, and cookies--yum!! C worked through his shyness/doesn't like to be center of attention and really seemed to enjoy himself! Until it as all over and he really didn't like that...ha

After-party Couch afternoon with the fam! Both boys were worn out from the morning's fun and sugar crash and woke up a short time later ready to play again!

The adult room...and then where all the kids want to be...with Pawpaw

As I was typing this post- these 3 were napping while 4 kids played upstairs LOUD, ha

Colin needed extra dad cuddles after rest....Connor was totally digging wing night!

Sweet cousins!

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Pigeon Forge

What better way to celebrate your birthday than celebrating at a water park with your friend who just had a birthday too?! Alli turned 5 last week and we missed her party so we came up with a weekend getaway for the kids (without husbands). We initially thought we were crazy to do it on our own, especially with a 16 month old, but it actually went really smooth! We all sure were sad Derek and Steve missed out on the fun. We rode up together Friday afternoon and spent the evening at the water and the whole day Saturday. Besides a quick dinner out, we stayed at the resort swimming, exploring, eating candy, and playing arcade games. It was a blast and everyone (including us moms) were in bed by 9, ha!

Birthday presents to start our trip!

Resort gave them birthday balloons!

Part of the huge indoor water park--the outside one is about triple the size.

This boy was in heaven!

The kids loved the big bucket of water that dumped when the whistle went off!

Little bit was adorable, as always :)

Indoor playground fun...Colin was so amazed how big it was.

Arcade fun both days!

This big guy was such a blur running past me every few minutes! He had a blast!!

My sleeping buddy--he insisted I sleep with him...I guess so he could kick my stomach all night ;)

Within 5 minutes of dropping off Keshia's crew they were done! Loved watching them have so much fun a new place and they really behaved so, so well!

Monday Connor was running a fever so he did errands with me :) Thought milkshakes were a good idea that afternoon--hmmm

Caitlin brought Belle back from Huntsville for us and Colin was so happy to see her back!

Colin loves his present from Alli! It's super creative...and messy, ha.

Derek finished working a ton of shifts Tues night and was pretty stoked :)

Today we spent the day running errands and tonight got to go snuggle with Isabel! Derek was the baby whisperer and had her asleep in seconds :) We even snuck in a quick visit to see Jess's new kitchen and play with Meritt for a minute. These baby girls around us keep on growing!