Thursday, February 23, 2017


 Our Chattanooga best friends came in town this past weekend while our husbands worked. These kids are too cute together and Alli is in heaven getting to boss around 3 little boys ;) They got to stay 3 full days and it still wasn't long enough! Connor asked where Alli was all week. Since Derek was on night shift, we stayed out and busy most of the time. It was so nice to catch up with Keshia and try to convince her to move to Birmingham!

We went to Toddler jump time one morning and wore the kiddos out (I was sore for a few days too). Cait and the kids met us there and Alli loved playing with K!

Connor happily sat on Alli's lap majority of the time per Alli's request :)

Sweet little man's hair is curling more these days!

Baby Silas is growing up quick! 8 months already. He enjoyed watching the big kids run wild!

A group fav- tea time with sink water :)

A fun morning at the zoo in the great weather!

Tiger watching!
Silas joining the big kids! I got to witness his first time crawling, too cute!!
My newest niece- Bindi...sweet little 8 week old AussieDoodle. My animal-loving sister is nuts ;)

We pretty much stayed outside 100% of Sunday and Monday...couldn't resist a trip to the outdoor mall and playground!

My 2 monkeys! Connor begging someone for a ball ball...

Showing off his bracelet (my hair tie) that he demands to have most days on his upper arm, ha.

A sweet girl was blowing bubbles for Connor forever, he was so so happy!

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Valentines 2017

 I have to say, my first week back at work was a success. I really enjoy the people and patients there and I come home feeling very ready to spend some good quality time with my babies! They absolutely loved daddy days and were a bit disappointed that he had to go to work Friday. Getting to do something just for myself and getting to do a job that is so rewarding does huge things for the soul. I did miss my 3 guys and 8 hours went by a little's going to take some getting used to again, ha. We had a fun Valentines Day and even though the boys still don't "get it", they had a fun week and enjoyed the yummy treats!

Fun park evening with these silly cuties!

Delicious date night with my forever Valentine :)

Love my mini Valentines!

Colin's class had a Valentine party that we got invited too! He enjoyed passing out his Valentine treats and enjoyed the iced cookie even more!

The cute stuff the boys made at school for us!

We went to toddler jump hour this week and had fun building towers too!

After 2 days of limping (he slid down a trampoline slide and landed weird on his ankle) Derek took him into work for an x-ray while I was working. Everything looked good, maybe a sprain. He's running wild again with no problem!

The boys had a fun 2 days with Derek while I was working and did some man errands! Connor wasn't too sure about me being gone...but he came around by that night :)

We took dinner to Seth and Jess and got some snuggles with sweet Meritt! The boys got to meet her for the first time and were surprisingly good with her. Missed getting pics of them with her..

The weather has been great and we've had a lot of outside time! The next few days will be in the 70s and we have Keshia+kids here this weekend to play outside with!