Monday, November 14, 2016

Meritt's shower, Space and Rocket Center, and Grandma

I'm behind on blogging, these boys aren't napping that great and we've been traveling! Wanted to recap some of the fun things we've been up to! Flashback to last Sunday. After church with the little ones, I went to a baby shower for sweet Meritt! I can't wait to have another cute niece! Jess is such a chill pregnant mommy and her sweet coworkers threw her a nice shower.
Our church pics are getting worse each week, haha.
"Bite bite!"

Love shopping with these funny boys.
Connor found a new place to play :)

Look at that cute bump!

Family picture!!

"I'm a doctor like daddy, mommy!" Love when they play sweet together.

We picked up Eli from school for some fun!

Bounce, bounce. bounce!
Last Wednesday we all went to Huntsville to spend some time with Grandma Myrl while she is still at my parents' house. While we were there we took a quick trip to the Space and Rocket Center. Derek loves everything space and has been wanting to show Colin the rockets up close. His reactions did NOT disappoint. We've been talking about Earth and he loves the moon so it was cute watching him figure it all out! Connor just enjoyed running everywhere! Colin asked over and over to go back so we'll definitely be back soon!
Watching a launch video!
He wanted to climb in that rocket so bad :)



They slept hard after playing outside so much!

Connor LOVES stuffed animals, so this huge lamb kept him entertained forever. He's just so cute!

Donna and I did some shopping one afternoon and came across some fun tacky sweater ideas for Derek's work, haha :)

These boys were so sweet with Grandma and she got lots of hugs over the few days we were in town. So glad she's spending some extra time in Alabama!
High gives for Grandma. She is liking Alabama and I hope she decides to move down here!!

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