Monday, November 28, 2016

Thankful 2016

2016 has been a fun year and we have a lot to be thankful for! Derek and I are so blessed with healthy& happy boys, our health, our families and friends, Derek's job, and more. This phase of life is busy and loud :) but we are thankful for every minute of it!!

Things took a turn for the worst ;)

For Thanksgiving this year we went to Blue Ridge, GA to spend time with Derek's family. 3/4ths of us had the stomach virus at different points of the week, but it didn't last long and we had a great trip! The weather was perfect for playing outside (99% of the time spent digging rocks, of course) and the boys loved playing with everyone! Thanksgiving lunch had a big turnout and the cousins had fun playing. So much food! After a lot more digging Friday we had a baby shower with family for Meritt! She got some precious things and it's exciting to think that she'll be here in 2 months!


Early birthday fun for Derek!

Pretty diaper cake Donna made and flowers that Aunt Missy did!
The cute parents-to-be :)
Ring around the rosy fun!

Aunt Jessie making these boys more artsy!
"Connor, say cheese!" Haha, fail.

Exploring the rocks together
Love these 2 cute brothers!!!
Saturday we got back home in time to watch GT beat Georgia in the last minute, WAHOO! Sadly Tennessee lost to Vanderbilt :(

Monday, November 21, 2016

Girl nights, GT game, ear infections, winter at McWayne!

 Bear with me...this is a long one! Ha. We keep our weeks full and I've been behind on the blog! Here's what we've been up to the past week!
Boys happy daddy has been home a lot!

Dinner and play dough time with Sethie and Jessie!

Connor's church picture. You can find Colin digging in his rocks anytime he's awake...

Caitlin and I had a date to go see Carrie Underwood in concert. She was SO good!!

Park days
Sweet brothers :)
We leave 2 weeks from today for Disney!

I had 4 kids last week for a bit, ha! The boys loved going home from school together!

Dig, dig, dig. Connor finally going to the top of the play place!


Cait kept the boys one night while I had a MOPS girls night! Colin was in an extra cuddly mood :)

After some night time vomiting, this one went to the doc. Double ear infection...wahoo...
Connor stayed back with Nanna for some sick cuddle time and D, Terry, Colin and I went to Atlanta for the night! Quick power nap before we got there!

"This is the hugest tree in the whole wide world mommy!"

After some dinner at Atlantic Station, we went to see a GT basketball game! It was Colin's first basketball game and he loved it! He loved watching the mascot BUZZ run around and do stunts!

He loved the snacks too :)
Morning digger videos with Doozie

Getting ready to go tailgate. Colin got a Buzz from the basketball game and we have been told that he is Ellie's brother now :)

 Some tailgate fun!
Watching the band play is his favorite part!

"I like drums the best"

Much better experience this game (no vomit!) and loved finding Buzz on the field!

It was a little windy, but a beautiful day for a GT win!!

Connor was happy to have us back and get to jump on Colin's bed again! Derek showing Colin some golf moves!
McWayne Center fun!!

The Christmas décor is up and the train rides have begun!!



Our favorite restaurant from college, Al's, is being sold so we took the boys today for lunch.
Derek and I spent many hours at Al's with our roommates at 2am, those fries are so so good!! The boys agreed :)