Monday, October 31, 2016

Halloween festivites part 1

Last week we enjoyed some fall fun! It's still 80+ degrees and doesn't really feel like fall, ha. We took the boys to the a pumpkin patch one afternoon and they loved it! They had a petting area, a train ride, a huge cotton play area, and a fun hayride to the pumpkin area! After 2 hours Derek and I were starving and ready to go eat and the boys were no where near ready to go! He keeps asking to go back but that was enough smelly goats for me for a year!



Thursday night we went to Veteran's park for a fall festival. We met up with Cait and Noah's families and got some candy, went on a hayride, and painted faces! They had an ambulance the kids got to play in and the kids got to play at the playground in the dark, which they thought was fun.


M&Ms for our happy pup!
Connor and his apples :)

Sunday, October 30, 2016

*3rd birthday party*

Yesterday our families got together to celebrate Colin's birthday! The Pollards and Ross joined too bc they are basically extended family :) Colin is a loved boy and it was fun to have everyone together! Grandma Myrl even got to join, I hate I didn't get a picture of her with C. She told me the party was more entertaining than a movie :) This is probably the last party without friends...I'm sure he'll think it's fun to invite his classmates next year! We had a fun day at the fire truck playground and got to go in the station to see the fire truck. The kids had fun playing and Colin keeps telling us that he misses his party.




Sweet birthday boy is on the ground playing with his first toy while all the other kids open the rest of them. Such a simple guy who doesn't need much, I hope that never changes!
On the way home he kept telling me how he wasn't dirty "at all mommy". He was covered in dirt and cake :)