We got back Thursday from a fun family get away to Chattanooga! It was Keshia's 30th birthday this week and I had to miss her surprise party. Derek leaves for Ireland later this week so we thought it would be fun to have a few days away together. We rented a house on Northshore not far from where we used to live. It was fun showing the kids our old house and tell Colin that he lived there as a baby. They loved the river and getting to cross over the bridges each day. It's such a good family town. We got to see Keshia's family a good bit, go to the aquarium and the science center, eat at some of our favorite restaurants, and just play :)
Poor buddy took a couple spills during the trip and has some bruises and scrapes to show it, but he loved the trip...and I love those big brown eyes :)
Someone got to have LOTS of daddy and C time and was very happy about it!
Chasing Connor can be a little tiresome now that he wants to walk/run everywhere and play on stairs constantly, ha. We had a great 3 days there and can't wait for our next adventure!