Sunday, August 28, 2016

Chattanooga fun!

We got back Thursday from a fun family get away to Chattanooga! It was Keshia's 30th birthday this week and I had to miss her surprise party. Derek leaves for Ireland later this week so we thought it would be fun to have a few days away together. We rented a house on Northshore not far from where we used to live. It was fun showing the kids our old house and tell Colin that he lived there as a baby. They loved the river and getting to cross over the bridges each day. It's such a good family town. We got to see Keshia's family a good bit, go to the aquarium and the science center, eat at some of our favorite restaurants, and just play :)

Poor buddy took a couple spills during the trip and has some bruises and scrapes to show it, but he loved the trip...and I love those big brown eyes :)

Someone got to have LOTS of daddy and C time and was very happy about it!

Chasing Connor can be a little tiresome now that he wants to walk/run everywhere and play on stairs constantly, ha. We had a great 3 days there and can't wait for our next adventure!

Thursday, August 25, 2016

House of laughter!

I'm behind on blogging and we just got back in town. Here's some pictures of last weekend. Jess had a yard sale and we threw out some clothes hoping to make a little money too. It was a success and almost everything was bought! Terry and Donna came down for the day too so we went to lunch to celebrate Terry's birthday!

Weekly church picture fail :)

Since the waterfall is at church, maybe this can count!

We taught Colin's class Sunday and thankfully it was a small, quiet group! We had fun painting and playing!

Aunt Jessie gave Colin this snoopy snow cone house (I loved mine as a kid!!) and he is obsessed. Meanwhile, Connor refuses all milk now and drinks smoothies...from a flex straw.

Connor MUST help push these days...

Evening playground fun!

LOVES giving kisses, open mouth ones!

He goes and goes and goes now all daylong. Once in a while he just can't hang anymore :)

Always climbing everything. Loving apples like big brother!

These 2 keep us laughing! Love their growing brotherly bond...and laughing at their toddler arguing too :)