Friday, October 30, 2015

Colin is 2!!

Oh man, this was a little tougher of a birthday for these parents! Our first year with Colin was just tough. He was precious most of the time, but he was so time consuming (nice word for demanding!) :) He was so darn cute we persevered ;) BUT year 2 has been a breeze for the most part. He has his moments, but they are pretty rare now and he's just so much fun now! He's learning so fast and I can't imagine how much different he'll be at 3 years old! Now we actually want time to go a little slower! Today we went to the doctor for his check up, but before all of that, here's a blast from the past for fun! (Sorry, long post-I love looking back at these!)



At the doc, Colin weighed 30lbs (84%) and was 36in tall (91%)! He's just a big dude! He is wearing 2-3T and size 6 diaper. He is still super content in his crib and in his diapers, and that's cool with these parents! He met all of his milestones and exceeded most! He keeps paci in his crib now and still constantly carries Ellie and Doggy everywhere. He constantly has a "boo-boo" and needs them kissed 50 times. He can be very loving and gives great kisses, but loves to be rough and run wild too. He loves mommy (which he says in a British accent) when he's tired or sick, but most of the time wants daddy for playtime! Before Derek gets up in the morning, Colin always announces that daddy is at "werrrk" :)

He's says so much now! He pretty much repeats anything we say (scary). He knows his colors and has red, green, yellow, and blue down perfect. He knows the shapes triangle, square, circle, star, and heart. If you ask him to show you the sun in his book, he'll point at it and say circle :) He is pretty good at naming all the family members now too. He had a tough few months before/right after Connor was born with acting out, but he's been so good lately I think he may only go to time out 1-2 times a week. He's pretty agreeable and seems to understand when we tell him we'll come back to the park later or can watch a show when he gets up from nap. He'll just sadly say "OK.." :) He loves watching big kids and is getting better (a little) at sharing. That's a lifelong lesson ;) He loves giving toys to Connor and saying hi/night-night to him. Connor adores him already.
He's still totally obsessed with being outside and we have to bribe him to go inside, he's never ready on his own. He will walk in the woods for hours playing with sticks. He already has a pretty good imagination. He still loves trains, cars, his push cart, books, Cat in the Hat, PJ Masks, Toy Story, and any kind of ball. His favorite thing now is to fly around the room or be chased. He is getting better with separation anxiety. He loves school but still cries at drop off. He does so much better when we leave him with grandparents and babysitters and hasn't cried in over a month when we say bye. He's a typical toddler when it comes to food. He loves chicken, yogurt, fruit, applesauce, suckers, any type of soup/chili, mac n cheese, grilled cheese, any sweets, bacon, hummus with pita, and pizza. He hates some normal kid foods like PB&J, rolls, biscuits, any pasta with marinara, veggies. I'm not one to worry too much about food, kids change their mind about food constantly.
Showing off his jumping skills (no injuries, only laughs ;))
We had a fun day celebrating him Wednesday! We started the morning with a frozen chocolate frappe (his favorite, ha)! Our family tradition is to have ice cream for breakfast on your bday, and this was as close as I could get today :) We took him to Let's Play, which he absolutely loved, per usual. During nap we actually went out and bought a van while Grace kept the kids! That evening we stayed outside mostly and finished the night off with a cupcake.
Kid knows how to dominate a cupcake!
 Mrs. Jodi sent me this today, apparently he'll wear hats at school ;)
Happy Birthday big boy! You changed our lives big time 2 years ago, for the better! You are the perfect mix of us. Really couldn't imagine life without you Big C :)

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Colin's birthday party

Seems like we were just celebrating Colin's 1st birthday!!
He looks so little here!
Big boy turned 2 today! It's been a fun year! I'll do another post tomorrow on him after his doctor appointment. Looking forward to seeing his stats this time! I think he'll still be at the top for height! We kept things simpler this year and went to the park! The weather was great and it's ideal for kiddos to run around! We just did family this year and that was nice! Everyone got to make it thanks to some people taking off work early, thank you guys!

Thomas theme! Little man carries/sleeps with his Thomas train daily!

Singing Happy Birthday :)

Eli helping C blow out his candle!

Icing lover like mommy :)

He definitely got spoiled in the gift department. Lots of Thomas toys! He enjoyed opening up each one and didn't need as much assistance. He's played with most of them every day since. We hid a few for a later time, we just don't have the space! About time to get rid of some old ones to make room for new toys. Everyone was so generous and we appreciate all the love for our boy!

Skeptical K

Fearless Mason

Of course Ellie needed a ride down the slide too!

Uncle Seth opening up his big truck!
Sweet boys! Eli is almost to fast/busy to catch on camera!

It was the perfect evening and everyone had a good time. We love when everyone can get together!!