Sunday, November 30, 2014

13 months and 1 year old pictures!

My dude is 13 months! Even though we're not doing the chalkboard monthly updates anymore, I do like posting some of his newest things! Also, these pictures are from our 1 yr old pictures with Callie!
C is still crawling super fast but no walking. He will let go to stand alone and gets excited now instead of scared. We're in no rush though! He loves climbing stairs and crawling back and forth on the couch. He understands doors now and wants to open them all when we go in a room. He takes baths in the big tub now and loves crawling back and forth, drinking from the faucet, and splashing wild :)
He's super independent and so stubborn. If he can't do something right the first time or trips over something, he gets so mad! He yells and throws his body everywhere. Then usually crawls over to me or a toy and bites me/it. It's so hard not to laugh or get mad, but the pediatrician said to ignore it and redirect him and it does eventually work. Times this by 20 times per day ;) Exhaustion! I will give him credit for determination though, if we don't look he will keep at it until he gets it right.
I'm sure he'll be a good mentor to little finale ;)

He's wearing 12-18 month clothes and drinking whole milk through a sippy great!  He's eating a ton of different food and seems to like Asian and Mexican foods best. He sure did like all the casseroles from thanksgiving! 

Colin doesn't like being dropped off at school still, but does so great there and it's fun to see him play with his classmates when we pick him up. He's been playing with Eli and Kendall pretty well and even is sharing toys! It's sometimes chaotic with each child having their meltdowns, but at least they take turns! He does like to try to sit on Eli and Kendall's laps :) 

He's more of a snuggler lately and likes watching a cartoon on my lap. He's saying mama, dada, daddy, bye, up, stop, ducka?, and cat (finally said it once!).  As you can see from the pictures, he loves to clap all the time. He is getting a little sillier and not as serious when playing now. He loves giving Derek and I his paci in our mouths and feeding us. Pretty gross, but he grins so proud!

He still is super anxious around loud noises and doesn't warm up well to loud people or places. I got called out of service today at church because he was just too overwhelmed with all the kids and noise. Once we walked outside for a while he was his smiley self again. He's his own person and that's ok. I've stopped pushing him out of his comfort zone. Most of the time he just wants momma to hold him and I'll take it bc it won't last forever. He's definitely an introvert and a deep thinker, we love our little man :)


Friday, November 28, 2014


Yesterday was Turkey Day! We had a small Andrews family thanksgiving lunch this year and it was so nice to just relax and not travel. We missed all the extended family and Patterson family though! Everyone made food (mom brought most of it-thanks mom!) and it was yummy! We did it at our house so Derek could join before going into work that night. I love visiting family and traditions, but my family of 3 being together trumps all of that. Even if it is just for a few hours ;)
Some of our spread- it was all delicious and we made sure to make everyone's favorites!
Post Thanksgiving meal lounging. We over stuffed ourselves as usual!  
Sweet K!

Big Mason!
Sleepy C watching the Macy's Thanksgiving parade before his nap! Colin and K slept through our lunch, they had plenty of leftovers though!
Derek and dad fried us a turkey this year! It was our first time to try one and it was wonderful!
It was a funny process and included Derek having to run last minute to Winn Dixie. But he saved the day and no injuries happened thanks to these safe men! It was the most tender turkey I've ever had. Dad made a green egg smoked turkey too- my new 2 favorite turkeys! We'll be frying another one in a few months I'm sure.
Cousin time

Sweet face loved all the food!

Mimi and the babies watching the parade!
We got blessed with Dad and Mom keeping the kids this morning while we met Jess for some shopping! I haven't been Black Friday shopping in years. It wasn't as crazy as we expected and we all got some great deals! It was nice having some girl time too :) Thanks parents!

Love these sisters (that look more like each other's sisters!) :)

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Week of love!

We've had a busy and fun week as a family of 6, hehe :) Eli and Kendall are adjusting really well and Colin is so amazed by watching them! We're all a little tired! We've been on the go and spending a lot of time outside and at the park. Its been weirdly warm out. Derek kept the kids and Caitlin and I got to go to lunch with Kathy Jo too!! Today Aunt Jess came and hung out :)

Family trip to Costco for our Christmas tree!

Sweet princess :)

 Big boys in the bath!
Eli is totally into the cats. BIG time! He lets them in every morning and even eats lunch and spends time with them on the porch. If we can't find him, he's usually under the dining room table laying with Gizmo. It's so cute!

Chillin with Aunt Jessie!!

Poppy took the boys for a wagon ride!

I mean, he LOVES him!

My naked laundry help. This poor bud has been so whiny the last few days and crying about everything...he's also teething like crazy and so tired everyday (despite great 4 hour naps). Earlier bed time for this baby this week and hoping he gets back to himself soon!
Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving tomorrow! We'll be trying our 1st fried turkey!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Baby TWO!

(This post is 4 days late...just a tad busy over here)

*Baby Finale will be joining our family June 2015*
We were a bit surprised #2 happened this fast but so glad too. I started getting suspicious on our beach trip in September. I was having to pee every hour all day and was so tired. I took a test but it was negative. Derek didn't believe it, he claims he has pregnancy instinct. He was right last time though. Another week later I took another one and was so shocked. Derek was in the bathroom too and didn't know I was taking it. It turned + instantly and I just blurted out 'it's positive?' haha.

We went to Dr. Bank's office that next week and had it confirmed. A lot of my UAB friends use him and we love him already! We're going to try to have this baby's gender be a surprise. That's tough for type A people like us, but it would be the best surprise! There are so many pros for having another boy or a girl, so either way we're happy :)
We are very excited to be able to have a second baby in the house. I'm 10 weeks along now and am slowly feeling a little better. Sickness hit me a few weeks earlier this time. I also have never sat on the couch this much tired!! I feel the same as I did last time...wanting SALT. Every 2 hours I am dying for something salty or I get super nauseous. I usually just keep some goldfish or crackers around. I'm craving the same foods as I did with Colin- pizza, bread, Chinese, pasta, mac n cheese, soft pretzels, soup, and salads. I could live off of those things alone ;)
I wanted kids about 2 years apart and we also wanted to get the baby phase over with pronto. Love babies, but we're ready to be on the go again and travel. 'Grand Finale' will be completing our family and we're excited about having 2! They will be almost 20 months apart. Colin is definitely Mr. Independent and I'm hoping that will help us when Finale comes! We are working on being gentle already, haha.

We skyped with the Shoemakes to tell them and they were surprised :)
We didn't wait long to tell family this time. Colin's birthday party we had everyone here, so it made sense to share the news then.  Colin wore his Big Bro shirt after his nap and surprised everyone. It was fun :) What's 1 more grandkid, right?!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Us time :)

Yesterday was Derek's boards test. Of course he has to wait 90 days to get his results :/ We went out to celebrate no more studying at Pappadeaux! It's new in town and was delicious!! Derek's relieved to have that over with!
Celebration cookie :)
Today was a fun and busy day! Not many usual these days. Colin and I took lunch up to Jessica at school. Colin was in awe of all the kids in the lunchroom. He enjoyed it though! It was fun to go back to those cafeteria days and think of getting to go eat with Colin at school in a few years!
After lunch I dropped off Colin with Ellie for his nap at the house and met up with Cassity and Kate at the Summit for some shopping. Cass has been in Thailand for 2 years and got back this week. She was only in town for the day, but it was so good to catch up!
Once I got home it was dinner time then once Derek got home from work I ran up to the airport to pick up Caitlin's crew! I can't believe they are actually here now! Noah's fam and dad all met up to welcome them! We got them settled at the house and Colin was so intrigued by his new guests :) Tomorrow we all go to pick out our Christmas tree!!