My dude is 13 months! Even though we're not doing the chalkboard monthly updates anymore, I do like posting some of his newest things! Also, these pictures are from our 1 yr old pictures with Callie!
C is still crawling super fast but no walking. He will let go to stand alone and gets excited now instead of scared. We're in no rush though! He loves climbing stairs and crawling back and forth on the couch. He understands doors now and wants to open them all when we go in a room. He takes baths in the big tub now and loves crawling back and forth, drinking from the faucet, and splashing wild :)
He's super independent and so stubborn. If he can't do something right the first time or trips over something, he gets so mad! He yells and throws his body everywhere. Then usually crawls over to me or a toy and bites me/it. It's so hard not to laugh or get mad, but the pediatrician said to ignore it and redirect him and it does eventually work. Times this by 20 times per day ;) Exhaustion! I will give him credit for determination though, if we don't look he will keep at it until he gets it right.
I'm sure he'll be a good mentor to little finale ;)
He's wearing 12-18 month clothes and drinking whole milk through a sippy great! He's eating a ton of different food and seems to like Asian and Mexican foods best. He sure did like all the casseroles from thanksgiving!
Colin doesn't like being dropped off at school still, but does so great there and it's fun to see him play with his classmates when we pick him up. He's been playing with Eli and Kendall pretty well and even is sharing toys! It's sometimes chaotic with each child having their meltdowns, but at least they take turns! He does like to try to sit on Eli and Kendall's laps :)
He's more of a snuggler lately and likes watching a cartoon on my lap. He's saying mama, dada, daddy, bye, up, stop, ducka?, and cat (finally said it once!). As you can see from the pictures, he loves to clap all the time. He is getting a little sillier and not as serious when playing now. He loves giving Derek and I his paci in our mouths and feeding us. Pretty gross, but he grins so proud!
He still is super anxious around loud noises and doesn't warm up well to loud people or places. I got called out of service today at church because he was just too overwhelmed with all the kids and noise. Once we walked outside for a while he was his smiley self again. He's his own person and that's ok. I've stopped pushing him out of his comfort zone. Most of the time he just wants momma to hold him and I'll take it bc it won't last forever. He's definitely an introvert and a deep thinker, we love our little man :)