3 months until he's ONE!! I for so long looked forward to the day he was 1 and baby stage was over. Now that he is so close to his first bday, I have mixed feelings now! I have enjoyed watching him change so much over the past few months, but I absolutely love the ages 1-5 and can't wait for them! I love the interaction and playing games with him. He's really getting it ;)
So many 1sts this past month! He went to the beach for the first time! He went to the Birmingham Zoo (many times). He went to church and church nursery (took us a while to get brave enough...but I went alone with him yesterday!). A lot of first foods this month. Also-the big one- crawling and standing! He's talking a lot more...usually crazy sounds. Still big on Dada and Mama and likes to scream them loudly in public :)
He's 21lbs 10z and 29inches. His head if still >90%, height is 75% and weight is 60%. We go to his official 9 month check up later in August.
He is eating more and more finger foods and still loves yogurt, bananas, blueberries, and ice cream (occasionally). Working on the sippy cup with meals. He likes to feed himself and has had many foods from our plates already. The other day he had pulled pork and mac n cheese and yesterday chowed down on thai noodles with broccoli! People give me grief about him eating so independent, but funny enough I may be on to something. There is a big movement towards baby-led weaning. Babies start out around 6 months being given foods that are appropriate to feed themselves. Instead of swallowing puree and learning the art of chewing later (and taste, because lets be real-that jar stuff is so bland!), they learn the correct way. Babies sometimes use gagging to move food around and this scares many people, although it's a normal part of the learning process and it's not harmful. Sometimes it's hard to tell what they like and don't so that's why it's just on their tray for them to choose. There is so much information on it and we watched to see what Colin wanted to do and was capable of. Food before 1 should be a fun learning experience (and a messy one!). He's really getting the hang of it though and even ate scallops, broccoli, and rice last week! It's supposed to help them transition to just table food without texture problems after 1...we'll see! Ok, off that topic now...I just find it fascinating that these babies are capable of so much more than just sitting in a swing, haha. (I never babysat many babies under 1)
He is eating more and more finger foods and still loves yogurt, bananas, blueberries, and ice cream (occasionally). Working on the sippy cup with meals. He likes to feed himself and has had many foods from our plates already. The other day he had pulled pork and mac n cheese and yesterday chowed down on thai noodles with broccoli! People give me grief about him eating so independent, but funny enough I may be on to something. There is a big movement towards baby-led weaning. Babies start out around 6 months being given foods that are appropriate to feed themselves. Instead of swallowing puree and learning the art of chewing later (and taste, because lets be real-that jar stuff is so bland!), they learn the correct way. Babies sometimes use gagging to move food around and this scares many people, although it's a normal part of the learning process and it's not harmful. Sometimes it's hard to tell what they like and don't so that's why it's just on their tray for them to choose. There is so much information on it and we watched to see what Colin wanted to do and was capable of. Food before 1 should be a fun learning experience (and a messy one!). He's really getting the hang of it though and even ate scallops, broccoli, and rice last week! It's supposed to help them transition to just table food without texture problems after 1...we'll see! Ok, off that topic now...I just find it fascinating that these babies are capable of so much more than just sitting in a swing, haha. (I never babysat many babies under 1)
We officially have a crawler now! It's sometimes counterproductive, but there is a lot of movement going on around our house this week :) He's much happier being able to go get the toy he wants! He's good at transitioning from sitting to knees to pulling to standing too! He just gets very wobbly and eventually lets go. He's a great baby on the go and is great on errands and grocery trips. He is starting to try to climb out of highchairs and buggies though, ha.
He still likes to go out of the house a good bit and still likes his stroller. He still loves the people watch and really likes watching other kids! I think he will really enjoy going to MDO in September with babies his age. For the 1st time he got upset when I left him in the church nursery, but typically goes to other people fine. He really only naps in his crib now and occasionally in the car. He's sleeping at night 8-630.
I thank God everyday for this cute fella...we are so blessed!