This nugget is 7 months old today! He has changed so much in the past month and has had many firsts!! He's growing so fast and is so long, today I changed out all his 6 month shirts for 9 month ones. He's still in 6 month shorts (lil booty).
He weighs 19 lbs and is 27 inches long.
He is still eating like a champ and eating more and more human food. Bananas are still definitely a favorite. He starting eating yogurt (which he loves) this month. Also this week starting eating "stage 3 foods"...which is basically weird pureed meals. Think turkey with rice and veggies, meat lasagna, chicken casserole. Ewww but he likes it! He also likes broccoli cheese soup and ice cream (I only share a little!). He does pretty good with a sippy cup too. He's sleeping better and better. Last week he had a growth spurt and slept all day and night. Now its back to waking up once for just a minute and sleeping until 7/730. Naps are still 3x day.
He loves to be on the go and we stay gone most days in between naps. He enjoys watching all the kids at the gym's nursery and when we have play dates with friends.
Firsts this month include 2 adorable teeth :), sitting up for a long time, first trip to the zoo, first trip to the market downtown, and scooting. He is a goofy kid and makes the silliest faces!
He loves being independent and rolling on the floor, his exersaucer, stroller rides, anything outside, his Sophie teether, his pappy and lovie, and anything we are holding (remotes, phones, spoons, cups, wallets...Everything!ha). He's getting too busy to watch any kind of show/movie for more than a few minutes. He has started to now get mad if he drops a toy or you take it away! Such a temper that kid has!! He also is smiling and laughing so much more every day too and keeps us laughing!
He has a busy next month coming up and I just know he's going to love his new house and all the space he'll have to learn to crawl around!!
Also---Happy Birthday dad! So glad you having croaked yet considering you have been expecting not to see your next birthday each year after 50 ;) Poppy is meant to stick around! You keep our wild family sane and you are the last person we all want to disappoint ;) Excited to get to celebrate your 54 year YOUNG bday Friday night!
Lastly- tonight is Derek's LAST residency shift!! EVER! People may think I'm crazy for carrying on about him being done and Derek being so excited. However, he has worked 11 years for this and is FINALLY about to start his 'big boy' job :) He also was free labor for 2 years in med school and really cheap labor for the last 3 years (not to mention all the hours of lectures, research, and studying), so I think we'll be making a big deal of this the whole summer ;) Can you tell I'm his biggest fan!?! Love that guy more than anything in this world. Period. Colin a close second ;)