We did it! We kept him alive for 1/2 of a year! Some days we were surprised we survived the day, haha. These past few months have been a breeze compared to those days though!
Little Colin Terry is now 18lbs. He's in 6 and 6-9 month clothes and in size 3 diapers. We go to get his height and shots next week. Last shots for 6 more months! He's definitely thicker in the thighs :) He's filling out his clothes and now his feet go to the edge of his car seat! Will be looking for a conversion car seat next month!
He is now eating pretty much everything baby food! He'll even eat veggies now when they are mixed with his favorite fruits (bananas and pears). The oatmeal+fruit pouches are his favorite! He's now only drinking formula every 4 hours and eating food 3 times a day. He definitely prefers to eat real food and he still fights us taking the bottle. He recently started eating in a high chair because he was rocking his chair too much and it was sooo messy!
Colin is still a big fan of being out and about. He's so easy to take places now and when we are out at his nap time he just sleeps in the car or stroller. He still loves to sleep in his crib more than anything! For the past week he's slept through the night with 2 nights needing his pappy around 530. Feels so great to sleep more at night!! He wakes up in the morning and from his naps in such a good mood and just talks to himself until we come get him.
He recently starting rolling over and sitting up! I just know this next stage is going to be so fun!! It's so nice out now and he loves everything outdoors so we'll be going to the pool soon! I always loved taking kids I babysat to the pool and now it's time to do it with my baby!! Soon we'll be able to go to Aunt Jessi's pool down the street from us :)
His little laugh is so sweet and such random stuff gets him laughing. The past few days he's been squealing and its hilarious! But very loud!! He still loves his rattle and Sophie so they go with us everywhere. We still watch Mickey Mouse once a day too :) Everyone compliments his sweet smile and super long eyelashes. He now makes raising babies seem easy. I could have 4 more of him (but will not!) :)