Monday, April 28, 2014


We did it! We kept him alive for 1/2 of a year! Some days we were surprised we survived the day, haha. These past few months have been a breeze compared to those days though!

Little Colin Terry is now 18lbs. He's in 6 and 6-9 month clothes and in size 3 diapers. We go to get his height and shots next week. Last shots for 6 more months! He's definitely thicker in the thighs :) He's filling out his clothes and now his feet go to the edge of his car seat! Will be looking for a conversion car seat next month!

He is now eating pretty much everything baby food! He'll even eat veggies now when they are mixed with his favorite fruits (bananas and pears). The oatmeal+fruit pouches are his favorite! He's now only drinking formula every 4 hours and eating food 3 times a day. He definitely prefers to eat real food and he still fights us taking the bottle. He recently started eating in a high chair because he was rocking his chair too much and it was sooo messy!
Colin is still a big fan of being out and about. He's so easy to take places now and when we are out at his nap time he just sleeps in the car or stroller. He still loves to sleep in his crib more than anything! For the past week he's slept through the night with 2 nights needing his pappy around 530. Feels so great to sleep more at night!! He wakes up in the morning and from his naps in such a good mood and just talks to himself until we come get him.

He recently starting rolling over and sitting up! I just know this next stage is going to be so fun!! It's so nice out now and he loves everything outdoors so we'll be going to the pool soon! I always loved taking kids I babysat to the pool and now it's time to do it with my baby!! Soon we'll be able to go to Aunt Jessi's pool down the street from us :)

His little laugh is so sweet and such random stuff gets him laughing. The past few days he's been squealing and its hilarious! But very loud!! He still loves his rattle and Sophie so they go with us everywhere. We still watch Mickey Mouse once a day too :) Everyone compliments his sweet smile and super long eyelashes. He now makes raising babies seem easy. I could have 4 more of him (but will not!) :)

Sunday, April 27, 2014

What a week!!

Such a wild week! After a few rough nights helping Colin flip back over in the middle of the night (repeatedly:)), he's has slept solid through the night for 3 nights!  Happy parents :)
One of my most favorite times now is rocking and singing before bed :) he just stares and smiles at me...he loves hearing our John Legend of the only songs I know most of the words to ;)
This dude is quite the funny guy now and throws his toys off the highchair already. He is such a happy baby now and I don't think we could have imagined that 3 months ago! Only fussy when he's tired now. So am I though ;)
We hit up our normal Tues/Thurs gym date and on the way home Thursday I got a flat tire.  Thankfully the neighbors came and helped me change it since Derek was working and Colin slept in the back seat the whole time!  
Always worn out from playing with the other babies
Friday Derek had research day at Erlanger and got nominated to present a case report that he and Dr Fesmire worked on. I went to work then met up with Keshia for lunch and she treated me to a late bday pedicure. I will sooo miss her when we move away :(
Friday night we got invited to the Walden Club for the research day awards. It was nice to get all dressed up and eat with friends!  The view was great! 
Dr. Sudave, Brian, Jeff, Connie Fesmire, Derek, Dr. Creel, Jacob
Sarah, Joanna, Connie, Mrs. Creel, Shanna, me
There were 4 categories and Derek won 1st place in his category of 8 people. So proud of how hard he works everyday and glad he got recognized for it in front of so many important hospital people!!

Saturday I worked some and Colin came for part. Dr Moyer loves when he visits and it was nice that he was in a great mood and I got good work done!
Then Derek and I tagged along on the Petersons hike on Signal Mountain!  Poor guys carried the babies the whole 2 1/2 hours! Whew, it was almost all up and down very steep rocks. We were so out of breath, haha. May have to go on more hikes!!
Worth all of the pain to see the view!!
Our crazy group! The kids did SO good :) Colin borrowed Alli's flower hat
Today is relaxing day before our crazy week! We met some friends up at the market (opening day!) and it was so packed and hot. We only lasted an hour and came back home to cool off! Tomorrow someone turns 6 months old!!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Last week and this weekend was a big time for Colin! So many firsts and his little (big) personality is really coming out! A few new things for Colin:
*Sitting up on his own!
First time sitting more than just a second while at the river!
I just love this expression!
*First boat ride! He just looked around taking it all in! Looking super cute in his shark swim shorts and bucket hat:)  Doozie and Nana have fixed up the river house so nice and have a great boat. They grilled out a great lunch and took the boat out for the first time! We're excited for more boat rides this summer!

 Sleepy boy!
 *Rolling all around and starting to roll over in the middle of the night and get mad he can't get back over. ha!
*First time getting the hang of his sippy cup! We tried it when we got back home last night and he actually got it! He loves holding and drinking from regular glasses too!

*First time sitting in a highchair! He tried out Mimi's chair and did pretty good so we borrowed one to try at home! We have a hook on chair to use when we move, assuming we get a kitchen table for it to hook to!

Colin's first Easter was so cute! We tried church service for the 1st time...he loved the singing, but quickly got bored and we had to take him to the back. He quickly fell asleep on Derek :) so sweet! Then we we had lunch with Poppy, Mimi, Noah, Chelsea, and Mason!

A few pictures from our first family Easter :)

We tried to get some good pictures of all the took a long time for both "photo sessions" but I think we got a few cute ones!

Poor boy was just exhausted Easter afternoon and was over all the pictures from the day... We owe aunt Jessie and uncle Seth a better picture next time! They were good sports though ;)

Even though Colin slept through the easter egg hunt, we big kids had a fun time! Seth won for the most sad he doesn't eat candy!? It was good stuff!

It was fun snuggling such a little baby again! It's so hard to imagine that Colin was that small just a few months ago! He is such a sweet baby and it's so neat to see Colin and Mason together. We really missed Josh, Caitlin, and Eli this weekend! We got to Skype and watch Eli eat his reese cups :)

Noah also brought me a signed poster from the John Legend concert he worked last week! So awesome!!! Its one of Colin's favorite singers :)