Sunday, June 30, 2019

Hello Summer!!

When living in a small apartment, you end up going on a lot of adventures to stay out! We packed in a lot of traveling in June and lots of celebrating too!

Splash pad fun!

Chattanooga trips are always the best!

House progress! Sand instead of dirt hills keep these kids happy!

Summer soccer is SO hot and SO fun!

Pool days

Connor got to play twice and be on Colin's team. He thought he was BIG stuff and did pretty good hanging with the big guys-even scored!

Fun trip to ATL for the boys first Braves game and Six Flags!

They loved all the cheering and the kid zone was a lot of fun too!

The boys went on their first real roller coaster and loved the park! Derek and I took turns riding and enjoyed no lines :)

We celebrated 11 years of being married! I remember standing in that spot right after Derek seeing me for the first time. 

We celebrated with dinner out and then went to Caitlin's to do cake for Noah's bday!

Having WAY too much fun on our daily trips to the house!


Trip up to Hville to see Mimi and Pawpaw. Snuck in a trip to Space and Rocket center and practiced our tennis swing. Love when they sleep together :)

The next day we headed to the river to see Nana and Doozie and played hard all day!

First VBS with cousins!

By the end of the month Connor had a jersey and all :)

Is there anything better than watermelon by the pool?!?

Zoo morning with my babes and their sidekicks :)

Bathing suits+friends=a good summer