Friday, May 31, 2019

Andrews beach trip

It seems have become a tradition to go to the beach for dad's birthday every year and the kids look forward to all the special cousin time for months leading up to it! We rented a house down from all the busyness this year and it was so nice to have so much beach to ourselves! The kids had a blast together and so did us big kids :)

Sweet 6 weeks old Ty!

These boys are always on the lookout for a water slide :)

Beach babies!

We had our own pool thankfully, since we filled it up with kids and inflatables, ha.

Crab hunting was definitely a favorite for them each night!

Happy birthday dad! 

Colin loves jumping waves with dad

This little guy could live in sand!

Such a fun time with everyone! We'll be back soon beach :)

May fun!

May was such a fun-filled month! With birthdays, Mother's Day, school ending, and trips we seem to pack in a lot :) These boys are always on the go and up for an adventure! The house is looking like a house and the boys are ready for a summer full of swimming! 

Sweet throw-back to baby C!

Different day-different park ;)

River fun!

Freezing water?! These kids don't care!

Grandma was in town for Mothers Day this year!

These 2 definitely keep our family laughing :)

Mother's day with my loves!

Sweet K turned 5!!