Saturday, March 23, 2019

Life since cruise...

It was tough getting back in to the routine last week after the cruise. Swaying lasted a few days too, haha. We jumped right into soccer and more birthday celebrations last weekend. Mason and Eli had a joint birthday party to celebrate turning 5&7. We had a birthday lunch and dinner for me as well. So much fun and so much sugar packed in to 1 weekend. In between school and work we've been packing and purging around here. We officially move in to the apartment tomorrow! Then closing is in 2 weeks, so plenty of time to come back over to finish a few more boxes and clean! The boys are so excited about their bunk beds in the apartment and bring close to a pool for summer, so they may be sadder when we move to the new house. Finally the weather has been great for building and lots is happening at the lot. The boys' dirt mountains are slowly going away which they are sad about, haha. 

Throw back pics of our feisty cutie :)

Derek worked 4 nights and this is what I slept with every night…. ;)

nature trail by the apartment

Date night with Ross and Laura!

The front yard graded down yesterday.

Day with K while Josh helped Derek move some stuff to the apartment!

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Disney Cruise part 2

Cruise day 3 was allll about Marvel and the boys loved seeing all the kids dressed up. They had Marvel theme food and decorated the ship! We got to meet all their favorite characters. Day 4 was Castaway Cay and was my favorite day. I got to spend my birthday on the prettiest island. They had a lot for the kids to do and the boys had a blast just digging in the sand and doing more slides!

Not sure if this birthday can be topped :)

Lots of ice cream trips! The boys thought the bunk beds were amazing :) They loved watching Peter Pan and Classic Mickey while we got ready at night.

It was such a fun trip and went by so fast. The boys could have stayed on the ship for weeks! Love how adventurous they are and can't wait for our next trip :)