Monday, December 31, 2018

Good-bye 2018

2019 is here and we are ready for a new year!! 2018 was good to us...the boys turned 5&3, we took an amazing trip to Jamaica, we celebrated 10 years of marriage, after much searching we found and bought a lot to build our dream house on, the boys discovered their love of soccer, we both had successful years at work, Derek got to explore Iceland, we had lots of fun trips with family and cousins, the boys both learned how to swim, Colin learned how to read and loves school, superhero dress up was part of each day, and so much more! Most of all, God blessed our family with health and happiness. 

2019 is going to go by fast and is shaping up to be an amazing prayer is simply to stay present in each day. Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Christmas 2018

Christmas 2018 came and went fast!! We had a wonderful past week celebrating with family and enjoying a lot of time together with Derek being off work. We had a Patterson Christmas morning and an Andrews Christmas evening. So wonderful getting to see everyone the same day and bonus for getting to stay in pjs all day since it was all at our house! I tried to be good about taking pictures and documenting, but also wanted to be in the moment enjoying all the fun we were having, so here is a look at our Christmas!

Obviously we stayed dressed up and ready for battle!

Decorating with dad...and eating most of the toppings :)

We went to Highland's and watched Noah sing at the Christmas Eve service!

Nana and Doozie got to join too!

We watched Rudolph, set out cookies and threw carrots for his reindeer. Thankfully the boys passed out right at 7, we all had a good night sleep!

So happy to see Santa brought what was on their list---spiderman feet and an alexa!

They were very surprised by their new outside toys :)

New dress up=happy boys!

Cousins taking over the street!

Dirty Santa with the Andrews adults...

Derek scored big with a new Christmas sweater--and the bug killing gun was the most wanted prize, haha. Derek wore his sweater to work the next day.

Eli took a pic of us and our loot!

Kiddo swap turn!

The 6 big kids!


2016--haha still the best one

Another Sonic gift--Colin was in heaven!!

Mimi knew just what to get Connor!
Testing the bug zapper. Micah slept through a good portion of the night, haha.

Always a sibling pic ;)

Kid battles...and cake! The boys were detailed in their cake for Jesus. It started off a batman cake and then they changed it to a manger one :)

Chels helping salt the appetizer

Ended the night with lots of laser gun battles. Josh brought them over and Derek is waiting for me to give him the green light to get his own set now, haha.

Such a fun Christmas season--we still have all the lights up and are enjoying the time off from school and work to play with new toys/games! 2018 was a great year and looking forward to 2019 :)