Monday, November 26, 2018

Thanksgiving 2018

We extended our Thanksgiving break and made a whole week out of it! We were excited to be able to fit a GT basketball game and football game in in one ATL trip. We met Doozie and Nana there and cheered on the Jackets together! After singing lots of fight songs and celebrating 2 wins, we drove up to Blue Ridge to spend the week. Derek was able to come up for a few days which was great! We caught up with family, ate lots of good food, played with cousins, and spent lots of time outside playing! Love this time of year and getting so much family time in!

Connor had us chase Buzz down for pictures and high-fives constantly :) 

Boys made sure we stayed the whole game

Prepping for football!
Connor got to sit on the motorcycle! The band is still a big time favorite.

My love and I have been going to football games for 14 years now!

Made it to Mercier's!

Playing hard at Mamaw's=good naps

Celebrated daddy's birthday early with family and Colin made sure we played tons and tons of Bingo

Walked around downtown and went to the playground for a bit! 

Blair was sweet and brought wine over...with no wine opener, the guys had to get creative!

 Connor made a friend at Mamaw's and liked to give him orange soda, haha.

More playground fun with Doozie!

Colin loves taking pictures of me on the phone :) Connor impressed me with his first stick person!

Cousin fun

Thanksgiving with the ones I'm most thankful for! We had great food and fun with family, we sure did miss Derek!!

James brought out his nerf gun and the boys were all into it!

So much fun with Travis! Boys...

We went by Mamaw's to say good-bye and hit the road. These boy were exhausted from their fun week!

Saturday, November 10, 2018

October catch up

 Here it is November 10th and it seems like it should be October still!! It was such a busy and fun month. Colin turned 5, Halloween was a blast, we finished up soccer season, started basketball season, been traveling, and the normal school/work stuff. The kids are rocking school this year and are loving their teachers and classes. They both look forward to going everyday and are learning so much! Today Colin ready "Blue bell ice cream" on a delivery truck with no hesitation. It's amazing how fast they pick things up!  Here is a catch up of the rest of October!

Great end to the soccer season!

Connor was still irritated that he fell down in his game...but they both scored 3 goals!

We are crazy and signed them up for the January league...they are excited!

I snuck away for a few days to go help Keshia after her ankle surgery! Those kids are too fun!

I had some fun one on one time with each one and that baby was soo squeezable! 
Boys are their pups. Connor enjoyed our sleepover while Derek worked nights :)


McWane with my boys! They brought me LOTS of "flowers" (veggies)

We had fun watching Frozen on Ice!!
A trip to see Vulcan with the boys! We pass it all the time-they loved seeing him up close

Pretty views! Colin loved being up top with D, Connor takes after mommy and was ready to go back down after a few seconds :)

Pulled up to Super Hero class looking like this, haha. They pepped up pretty fast at least!

Love some smores!!

Finally moved them in together, they think this is the best thing EVER.

1st basketball practice. C and Graham kept up with the big kids pretty good!

Sickly/tired boys the past few days...lots of resting and watching The Grinch to get us in the Christmas spirit!

Passing deer friends daily this week! They are so cool with humans in this neighborhood.

In awesome news---niece/nephew #6 is coming in May! These superhero cousins have a big job soon protecting this sweet new baby :)