Sunday, October 28, 2018

CTP is 5!!!!!

 Our C-Rex is officially 5! He's been counting down to this birthday for a few months now and was SO excited it was today. When I got him up this morning first thing he said was that he was faster now bc he is 5. It was a fun weekend celebrating big C. We went bowling after soccer yesterday with all the cousins and some close friends. He LOVES bowling and was excited to get to do the arcade too. This morning we had donuts and present time. He got a lot of fun gifts yesterday that we've been opening up. He really wanted to go to Let's Play today so we did that and had a yummy pizza lunch! He amazes us daily with how much he learns and remembers. He is reading early reader books now and is doing great with it! He still loves space and learning constellations. He does a great job teaching Connor things and is a great big brother to that wild child :) He will try any food and loves ANY dessert. He's 44lbs (73%) and 3ft 4in (73%). He's in 5-6 clothes and a size 13 shoe. This kid is a big one! He did awesome in soccer this season and is excited to try basketball this winter. He doesn't lack confidence and isn't self conscious---I hope these things stick with him forever. We are so proud of our big boy and love watching him grow into a kid!    

A few throwbacks from years before....

Such a grown boy!

Sugar and bingo= happy birthday boy

He'll never really understand how lucky he is to have cousins all so close in age and live close by. Its fun to watch them all together. The Pollard and McFarland families have been around since birthday #1 :)


Marshmallow roasting!

Let's Play!

Daddy showing off :) Loved spending all weekend with this birthday boy!

**Put up a ton of fall pics the other day and will have a Halloween post up soon!**

Friday, October 26, 2018

Fall fun

It's been a fun (and chilly) last 2 weeks of fall!! We've had fall festivals, pumpkin patches, soccer, cousin fun, and a girls weekend. It's definitely our favorite season. Here's a look at what we've been up to! First a couple throw backs from this week years ago :)

Colin @ age 1

Connor @ age 2 (has been a character since day 1)

Soccer Saturday with my boys!

Pumpkin patch with Jess's fam!

Basketball evaluations for Colin and more BBall fun at home!

School pumpkin patch with daddy!

Ladies take on Nashville last weekend to see Josh Grobin and Idina Menzel

They were both amazing and it was so nice having a night away! Thanks Derek and dad :)

Another fall festival with Graeme, Morgan, and Emory!

First time riding horses and they did great!

Mommy/Connor pumpkin patch date at school

Note his face in the class pic...always a hot mess lol

Cousin fun at the park! This little man demanded I take his pic at Nori :)