We spent last weekend in Atlanta! The boys have been looking forward to another GT football game and we thought since we'd be in town anyways, why not do a full weekend! We spent the afternoon Friday shopping and napping before heading in to the Braves game. We haven't been in years and the new stadium was so nice. The boys loved playing the games and eating all the junk food, ha...
Saturday morning we did some swimming before tailgating for the GT game. These little fish could have swam all day. Thankfully it wasn't too hot of a day and we got to catch up with family and eat some yummy food before heading in to the stadium. Following the band was one of the boys' favorite parts this year too. Clemson won the game easy, we left at halftime and headed to the hotel to have pizza and swim again :)
Sunday we went to our favorite breakfast spot next the hotel and tried out Legoland! It was our first time to go and the kids loved it! They thought it was all pretty awesome, but probably enjoyed the ride the best (there were guns to shoot lasers--surprise). We spent a good bit of our time there on the ride and meeting the Star Wars characters! We thought they'd crash once we got in the car---nope---these kids have energy for dayssss.
Super Hero class Monday--they loved the Halloween set ups everywhere!
Riding with the cousins before bed---as Spidey (duh, it's all he wears).
This busy boy sure keeps up with these big kids pretty good...but when he's done, he's DONE ;)
This bunny is living with us too right now...I never cared for them, but this one is pretty darn sweet.