Well, per usual, I'm behind blogging. The last 2 weeks we've celebrated birthdays, went on some new adventures, and soaked up the last of this summer break!
Colin decided last week that it was Ellie (3) and Owl's (33) birthday. He insisted on getting cakes for them, it was pretty cute. So we celebrated while Mer, Seth, and Jess were over. I think they just really like cake... :)
Making Doozie and special birthday cake!
We surprised Doozie to celebrate his birthday early!
Such a fun way to celebrate! these Patterson men/little men love golf :)
Not bad form for first time with the clubs
We'll definitely be going back!
Happy Birthday Doozie!!
Back to dressing up all day again and doing battles, haha
Oh my, these 4 were soo little!!
Super Hero class was a blast this week and these boys had the best time with their buddy Graham!
We went to Desoto Caverns for a new adventure this week. Had no idea how close it was to us, very interesting place!
Coolest cave, didn't seem real!
Connor with his typical "smile" haha
A little better- he wasn't a huge fan of the darkness in there.
They had some fun activities there too, it was a fun day!
Fun with Daddy at McWayne last week!
Jeep riding as much as possible! Mommy included!
Daddy pool date while mommy worked :)
Have to brag on Rebecca, she sends me pics all day of the boys and takes them on some fun adventures!
The boys were so excited they had "33" as their score--they know that is how old D and I are!
Their adventure today was to dress up, make cookies, surprise Derek and I at work with them, and go to Let's Play. Excuse poor shaven Belle--she was on her way to school! Thankful for a babysitter that loves on these boys well.