Tuesday, July 31, 2018

We're moving and a catch up!

First for the most exciting update--we closed on our lot last week! We are so excited to be building our new house over the next year. The boys already love going out there and exploring and we're starting the next steps to start the build process :)

Now, it's been a while since I've blogged. The boys keep us running and with no summer school I've struggled to keep up on here (or even take pictures!). So here's what we've been up to the past 2 weeks!

Walk around Mimi and Pawpaw's neighborhood pond and playground

The boys had fun in the pools there. Mom and I beat expert level and were more than a little excited about it :)

I left the boys in Huntsville 2 nights and got to go snuggle with my newest Peterson baby!! Silas loved some extra attention too and we had fun playing while Keshia got to rest and run errands.

Such sweet kiddos!!
Monday we were back in Birmingham and had E&K for the day. I felt like supermom taking 4 kids to the zoo, haha. 

Thank goodness these kids play so great together, it was a fun day!

Jess and Mer met us there...the followed the big kids everywhere and thought they were the best. She was mesmerized by the train passing too :)

On a cooler night last week we did some smores on the firepit and had Marjorie's crew over since they are staying down the street. Boys loved helping build the fire.

They loved getting to sleep in our bedroom in the tent

Dentist checkup--they got great reports!

Mom was in town keeping E&K the rest of the week and we met up to play at the library and Chickfila 

A week is not complete without a trip to Let's Play!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Stir crazy

These boys are lacking routine and we are just trying to stay busy. They are "bored" a lot these days (despite feeling like we keep them entertained constantly, ha). It's too hot to play outside and they always ask to go bowling or anywhere that is inside! This was our week~

We introduced McWayne Center to Mer! She was a big fan and the boys loved going back (it's been a while)!

They even had bouncy slides to celebrate McWayne's 20th birthday!

We all needed extra rest that evening...

My church boys! They love sitting in service watching Uncle Noah sing.

Only takes a few seconds before the goofy in them comes out, haha. And Belle.

Let's Play one rainy evening!

It was national ice cream day, so that was dinner! Snuck this shot of Colin in gymnastics at gym, he will only go if his girlfriend (Victoria) goes :)
Yard races are daily :)

 While I worked today the boys had a guys day--waffle house, bowling, and the arcade. Daddy days are their favorite!