We've had a great 4 day weekend together at home! Not that we stayed at home much...but we did a lot of playing and a little bit of resting :)
Friday Zooday!
Playing around!
Date night with green crème brulee and the lighting of the tree at the summit.
Birthday party #1 for Carter turning 3!
Donuts and a firetruck to climb into!
Party #2 for Leighton in Connor's class--he loved it!
Scrub shopping for Caitlin and Sno Biz with the big boys after
Legos all day these days!
Painting their ornaments!
He is a softy to even Belle ;)
McWayne day Monday!
Soon after we left McWayne, Connor spiked a fever and was out during errands
Colin has been so into helping with Christmas décor! He strung lights on the stair with D and hung almost every ornament :)
Poor comatose boy sat on the sidelines...
Daddy/son day while I worked today....Connor is finally a big perkier!
Derek showed them the first real StarWars movie and it was a hit! Jeep driving today.
Came across this crew while driving home from work...sweet daddy! We leave tomorrow for SC and will miss Derek terribly :(