Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Family weekend at home!

We've had a great 4 day weekend together at home! Not that we stayed at home much...but we did a lot of playing and a little bit of resting :)

Friday Zooday!

Playing around!

Date night with green crème brulee and the lighting of the tree at the summit.

Birthday party #1 for Carter turning 3!

Donuts and a firetruck to climb into!

Party #2 for Leighton in Connor's class--he loved it!

Scrub shopping for Caitlin and Sno Biz with the big boys after

Legos all day these days!

Painting their ornaments!

He is a softy to even Belle ;)

McWayne day Monday!

Soon after we left McWayne, Connor spiked a fever and was out during errands

Colin has been so into helping with Christmas décor! He strung lights on the stair with D and hung almost every ornament :)

Poor comatose boy sat on the sidelines...

Daddy/son day while I worked today....Connor is finally a big perkier! 

Derek showed them the first real StarWars movie and it was a hit! Jeep driving today.

Came across this crew while driving home from work...sweet daddy!  We leave tomorrow for SC and will miss Derek terribly :(

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Go Jackets!

These boys are loving football season (and fall in general)! They asked and asked to come with us to the GT game last weekend. When we found out it was a 12pm game, we agreed and they were pumped to go back to Atlanta! We spent Friday afternoon shopping around Atlantic Station and stayed at the usual hotel (which is so cool to them). Saturday morning we went to breakfast and tailgated for a few minutes before watching the band march! The band was still their favorite part of the day and they lasted almost 3 full quarters of the game. They started getting too squirmy so we walked around campus and picked leaves :)

Colin refused to nap, ha, but Connor passed out quick (loves covering his face still when he sleeps)

Watching more football when we got home and wrestled with Belle :)

Belle got spayed Monday so she did a lot of resting around the house and I went to watch the monkeys play soccer after school!

We couldn't resist getting them little trees for their room this year, of course star wars ornaments made it on!

Typical week of playing...and Connor eating everyone's food ;)

Storm troopers attacking daddy! Family pics taken this week--good times:)

Thanksgiving parties with the little men yesterday at school!

Colin rehearsing for their Christmas program (which we will have to miss due to Disney) was way too cute!