We got back from a week at the beach last week and lots of house projects later...I'm finally getting around to posting some pics! We had a great time and hated to have to leave. We were fortunate that we've been able to go 4 times this year and it will be hard to not go back for a while!
Straight to the "submarine restaurant" when we got there! Then our door key pad battery died so we had to wait until about 9 to get in the door (thankfully when the repair man came with the wrong set of keys Derek just broke in with a credit card). The kids enjoyed some night swimming while we waited :)
Fun times in the condo!
Cuddly boys after nap in our bed
Love how the beach curls Connor's hair so cute! We enjoyed eating outside most nights and they boys liked helping crack the crab legs. We threw in a little drum lesson too ;)
Splash pad across the street!
Throwing sand since he didn't have a ball!
The water was so calm, we got to see multiple dolphins!
These 3 swam and swam all day :)
Colin pretty much did cannon balls and swam underwater the whole time, ha!
My sweet mini me watching the band play
He asked to go watch closer :)
They wanted a drink like mommy's. They were thrilled with their "pink drink"
These cute boys play so well together (most of the time, hehe) and we couldn't love them more!
Part 2 to follow.....