Monday, July 31, 2017

Donuts, zoo, and Barons!

Pictures from our last week :)

Mall train and Connor working around the house :)

Belle's spot upstairs!

Silly monkey at the donut store

Donuts after mommy worked extra last week!

Zoo date with cousin Meritt!





They heavily entertained all the adults on the sideline :)

Connor woke up Sunday with a swollen eye, so instead of freaking out people at the new church we were going to try...we spent the unusually cool morning at a new playground/splash pad!

His eye finally went down before nap, but it didn't stop him from running around wild!

They always end up laying on the water spouts, ha.

Baseball brothers!

Fun family night at the Baron's game!

These 2 are too cute together, K made a fun game of doing the slide together over and over :)

Connor loved the mascot, of course ;) Love weekends at home with my boys!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Water weekend!

Well, it sure was a quiet week without Miss Belle Sparkle around ;) Colin constantly asked about her and we went back and forth on just leaving her at Mimi's forever, ha! Friday morning Colin was a happy boy when we got to Mimi's and reunited. Mimi and Papaw are saints for keeping her for us! Not only does she sleep through the night now, but she knows how to sit/lay/turn in circles (anything for a treat!). Thanks parents! We hung at the house for a while then went to dinner and played at the pool! Saturday morning we drove over to the river house and spent the day with Doozie, Nana, Hank, Missy, and Blair. They drove over from GA to hang out and it was fun catching up! The boys had a blast playing in the water, riding on the boat, and fishing. It was a great weekend seeing so much family!

Belle loves her Mimi!

Connor tearing up his Vietnamese food :)

Throwing balls with Papaw of course! Poor dad's finger is still healing from this football.

Dad trying to talk the boys out of being scared of a butterfly... ha

Thomas has been the most popular bedtime book these days!

Fun on the water!


Swam in that gross water for hours!

The water was so warm that day. Connor passed out quick for nap!

Soaking in all those 2yr old teething cuddles! I mean...a naked toddler is the best ;)

Cute pics Aunt Missy took :)

Cute morning boys enjoyed eating breakfast on the back porch!

Had to get in some roller coaster rides Sunday morning before we left. Welcome back home Belle!