Saturday, April 29, 2017

Chattanooga, cousins, and zoo!

Between going back to work, Colin not napping anymore, and our new workout we do at night after the kids are just has had to take a backseat. I'm currently typing from my "rocketship" with Colin :) Last weekend we got to go see our buddies in Chattanooga! We had a great sleepover at Keshia's house and went to the children's museum.
Digging for fossils!

Water babies--Silas is so close to being 1 and walking!

Piano lovers!

First friend sleepover!

We got to go by my old work and catch up with friends! The kids played outside for 2 days straight!

These cuties had so much fun together!!

Colin's new fav space book- he named the astronaut 'Archel' lol

Hiking with Noah's crew one night...throwing huge rocks into the creek :) These boys sure love eachother. And their lovies.

The kiddos had their 1st dental experiences last week! Colin loved it and did so good! He says he still wants to be a dentist and school bus driver when he grows up :)

More cousin fun when Meritt came to play for dinner! She is getting so big and is 3 months now! Colin read all his letters for Aunt Jessie!
My timestamp from 2 years ago...I can't believe he's almost 2!!!

Cousin bath fun!

We had cousin sleepover time this weekend and they have had a blast! They were sad to see them go home today. Eli and Colin just take over and help the little ones with everything :)

Carwash trauma...

Connor's dentist appt! K came along while the big boys were in school. He did so good!
Mall fun afterwards...Connor is obsessed with washing his hands. And giving hateful faces eating lunch, haha.
Donut date this morning before the zoo!

Riding on the caboose!

Splash pad fun! These kids splashed forever!

We got hot and hungry so we met Aunt Jessie and Meritt for lunch and frozen yogurt!

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Easter 2017

It's been a few years since Derek was off work on Easter and we were so happy we could spend the weekend together! Dad came down for the weekend, mom flew in from grandma's, Noah was off work, and Cait's AC unit we got to have a lot of fun time together! Colin learned a lot about Jesus's death and resurrection at school this week which was too cute. He got excited about the 'resurrection rolls' they made at school. They still don't get the Easter bunny thing and I'm A-oK with that...I've never been a fan at ALL of dressed up characters like that, haha.

Love these handsome brothers :)
Can't believe they all smiled in the same picture! Saturday morning our crews met up with dad and Noah's crew for egg hunt fun at our church.
Connor crunching his eggs open...

Colin followed some older girls up the huge slide :)
We didn't last too long in the heat and headed back home to play and grill out with family that night. The boys were thrilled to have Cait's fam over for a few nights while their AC was out. All the guys got to enjoy some scotch and cigars while us ladies cooked for Easter.

They were happy to see baskets of candy waiting on them when they woke up! They got real good at cracking open those eggs, ha.

Derek grilled us an awesome turkey and we made some sides and mimosas for lunch. Mom sliced her finger on a can so we had a brief break to glue her back together. He's fixed her and dad quite a few times, the doc never rests ;)
Hiding out while dad and Noah hid the eggs
Released to the yard to hunt! Micah enjoyed chewing on the eggs :)

These guys loved carrying around their eggs all day!
We got brave this year and dyed eggs. Kids got into it and liked decorating them with stickers and markers too :)

This crew took it to the next level of decorating!
Derek loved that Colin's feet could touch the floor on the chair...HOW is he this big already! He keeps complaining about his legs hurting so we're thinking he's growing again.
It was a fun weekend and we've spent this week resting up and working...hard to believe it's going to be May soon. Connor boy is less than 2 months away from turning 2!  Birthday party planning can now start :)