We've had a great, full week and we're all feeling much better too! Here are some pics from our week!
They refused a church pic last Sunday, so after we went to Target and I snapped a few of them being cute. They love holding hands these days and Colin has been such a helper to me!
Always silly together :)
Eli had his 5th birthday party at Let's Play Sunday and the cousins all had a blast! He had his friends from school there too and I've never seen a kid run around as much or as fast as Eli!
Connor slowly crashed after cake and ended up taking a quick nap in the middle of the floor for a few. Cracks me up!
Colin and I had a mommy day and went to pick strawberries with a few of our MOPS group in Clanton. Of course Colin had to show off his pee skills first...haha.
He did such a good job and really loved having some one on one time with me. Such a cutie!
After a quick storm we looked outside and caught a pic of the double rainbow that ended on our neighbor's house. My dad and I were texting and he sent me a pic of his at their house too!
Seth and Jess came over for dinner one night and we got to love on sweet baby M! The boys were pretty interested in her this time!
Sweet big cousin:) More holding hands at the mall this week!
Fun cousin time while Josh helped keep the kids while I was at work. Connor and his selfie game!
Wednesday Noah's crew came over for dinner and it was perfect weather for lots of play set time!
Fun Uncle Noah!
Bubbles, popsicles, and chair pushing fun!
Derek and I worked the same days this week, so Thursday we were both off and spent the morning at the zoo as a family! We pet some goats, ran around the barn, rode the train, and saw the usual animals!
Connor fed the giraffes for the first time and loved it!
The excavator was definitely the highlight of the train ride yesterday :) Today we spent the morning hiking with friends and we're looking forward to a fun family weekend together at home!