Friday, February 26, 2016

Blast from my past...

Last time I was at my parents house I took some pics of my younger self for fun. It's nice to have these on the blog for our kiddos to see one day. Colin looked at me crazy when I told him these pictures were me :) I do see a good bit of Connor in some of these pictures, and even some of Colin in the toddler ones. The boys definitely got my big eyes and mouth, ha!

Connor's tongue sticks out constantly...I can't tell you how many pictures I found of me like that!
Me and my "beanie". Still got it :) Me and sweet Gma Myrl!

Me and Great-grandma.  Mom and I with our curly do's.

My mom's perm. That is all...

I sent a few to the siblings for fun too :)
Mom's hair...and dad had hair! She loves me for sharing these :) Sister love!

The 3 of us...Caitlin's glasses. Bless her heart!
Just to have on record that my mom chopped off all my curls and gave me a boy haircut. More than once too, thanks. I'm also showing some side boob at this age...

So, I may have been attached to my paci as well...Miss our Gma Nita!

A few of Cait for fun...I do believe my dad still has those socks! Most of Noah's pics didn't end up getting put in an album (3rd child). I'll have to dig up some for him next time!

Monday, February 22, 2016

Living the life

Some weeks these boys really get treated! Of course Connor is pretty oblivious, but I think he enjoys all of our adventures too. We've had lots of playdates the past week and everyday was another adventure. Derek was off a few days and we packed in a lot of fun! We had Seth and Jess over last week for dinner to celebrate her 1/2 marathon. This weekend was 3 years since I ran my 1st (and last) 1/2 and I can't ever imagine running that far again! I got to spend a morning with Marjorie getting our nails done last week too...she's due in 3 months with #3! Thursday evening Derek and I had a date night to get a couples massage and dinner. If I could get a massage every week I would...playing with these babies on the floor all day takes a toll on our backs!
Friday we went to the zoo with Amber and Maddie. It's been months since we caught up. Colin and Maddie are about 6 weeks apart in age. Colin was hilarious and loved it all! He talked so much about each animal. Everyday since he's asked "go back zoo mommy?". We renewed our membership so I have a feeling we'll be there a lot! Colin wondered why the water was off at the splash pad. He remembered that part from last year :) We rushed home for nap then went up to the playground for the evening.
Talking with the monkeys and showing daddy the "raffs"

Little brother took a great nap and enjoyed the stroll\
The guinea pig kept licking the glass and Connor thought it was so fun!
Maddie and Colin both LOVED the carousel!
Park date with this family. Goofballs!
Big C is always trying to keep up with his big cousin. He doesn't care he's smaller and 18months younger :)

Saturday we got to go celebrate Jack turning 2 at the McWayne Center! We only get to see Becca every few months and I haven't seen Jack since he was about 6 months old! He's so big now and so cute! It was big truck day at McWayne and the boys loved it! They got to climb up on cranes, bobcats, a fire truck, and all other equipment. Colin had mini-meltdowns every time it was time to get off the machines. He LOVED them and pushing all the buttons. We of course spent time at 'itty bitty city' inside too. Then we all went to lunch at Cantina Laredo. It was so good and Colin thoroughly enjoyed his lunch of salsa and queso :)
Wind tunnel with dad! Colin was a bit nervous when he saw the cranes but warmed up fast. 

Fire truck!!
The boys digging for dinosaur fossils!
Lunch date. Margaritas for the parents, milk for the toddlers :)
Friends since 6th grade. I'm not sure how old we were then, but that means we've been friends over 17 years. Wow.
This monkey is into everything! No fear of falling off anything either...

Park date with the siblings. The weather has been so nice!
Feeding ducks and throwing rocks are the favorite activities for these guys
Peek a boo!

Bubble bath boys!! They crack me up almost hourly...

I love all of our adventures and it's worth the hassle of packing all the bottles/food/etc to be able to see how excited C gets at everything we do now! They are also better behaved while we're out too which is nice ;) Unfortunately Connor ended up with some kind of virus and vomited big time last night. His fever comes and goes and he's a bit more tired, but hoping the worst is behind us now! Hoping he doesn't share his little germies with us either!!

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Valentines and Huntsville

Per usual, Derek had to work the holiday weekend. So I loaded up the kiddos and went to the parents house! Before we left, Derek and I had a date night to celebrate Valentine's early. I think this is the 1st year in many we've gone out to dinner and not made a special dinner at home. We went early enough to avoid the crowds. We went to our favorite, Garden and Galley, and it didn't disappoint! It's was our 12th Valentines together, ahh. We've always skipped the gifts and all and just have a nice is the best gift for this girl ;) Colin had a cute card exchange at school. Like every other holiday, he was oblivious to V day and was focused on convincing us to take him out in the woods :) Exactly how I hope it stays, love my simple boy!
My life valentine, LOVE him!!

Sweet craft Colin did at school!
We had a fun time in Huntsville! We relaxed a lot, went shopping, did the park, and played with pets. Colin is funny in Huntsville because he remembers his favorite toys at each grandparents house and has a big agenda on what he wants to do.  It was nice to watch movies with the parents at night and just hang, cleaning, and laundry done for me (lucky me!). Thank goodness Connor did much better sleeping this trip and only woke up once the 2nd and 3rd night! That's a huge improvement from last trip when he had to sleep in bed with me! This was the first trip Colin slept in a big bed too and he did awesome. He loved his "big, big bed" (a queen bed) and hopped right in with a book and fell asleep easy every time. He's really such a good nugget.
Mom and I locked ourselves out of the car at Costco and ate our groceries while we waited for OnStar to unlock. Always an adventure with this one ;)
This boy needs a dog. ASAP daddy! He giggled so cute when Brady licked his face!
Sweet thing drug his body all over the house trying to get to the dog and cats :) He only got a couple handfuls of fur...

I got lucky with 3 sweet Valentines this year! We missed Daddy!
Colin's thumbs up for Aunt Jessie rocking her 1st half marathon Sunday!!

Big boy! He goes from sitting to laying down on his own now and basically is ready to move out of the house....
Snuggly boy!
Connor trying to steal Colin's bar...and Connor's face when he didn't get it. Priceless!!

Wild hair boy and wild man going after the cat again...
Monday evening we went to Doozie and Nana's house to play and eat pizza.  It was a short trip due to Mr. Drool Man ready for bed, but I'm glad we got to squeeze in a visit before we headed back home the next morning.
Colin entertaining anyone by dancing around and "falling down", over and over again :)

Super glad to be back home with my love and have a few days off together with these 2 boys! I hope they always think their mom is funny :)