Colin speaks pretty clearly and knows many words. However milk is "nilk" and outside is "see-side"'s precious, really. He asks pretty much daily to go out so last week we bundled up and did it! Thought he'd catch on that it was cold...nope!
Little one was happy to be out too! Colin picked mommy a flower :)
Connor's first time swinging was successful!
I got brave and took the kiddos to story time alone. Connor was amazed. Colin ran for the door after his snack was over, ha.
Thank goodness they have a small playground so we stayed there for awhile!
This boy. Can't leave the room to get Colin up without him trying to escape! 1st time eating yogurt, yum!
After a day at the park and the library the next day, Colin walked around singing 'playground, playground' all morning. So after school we went back and met up with Josh and the kids. Colin was pumped to get to chase Eli all over and Kendall did rather well keeping up with the big guys. Side note- I always saw people at playgrounds and thought that it looked so nice and fun to get to do that with my future kids one day. IS nice and fun. However, it's work too! I can't imagine chasing both when Connor is bigger. Colin is great at doing everything there, but wants us to chase him constantly and climb everything. Didn't really expect that, ha.
Happy baby! K wasn't thrilled with getting her pic taken, but she looked too adorable in her athletic wear!
Scary site to see these boys driving together. Fast-forward 14 years...I know they will be perfect drivers ;)
Grace came Saturday morning and kept Connor while I took Colin to meet up with Mom, Dad, Josh, and the kiddos. Mom and Dad brought Mason to give Noah and Chels a break. They had a blast and no one had a meltdown=success!!
Happy sliding babies :)
Colin's gentle side has been coming out! Everyone was wiped out after 2 hours! Sweet love from "Ken" as Eli calls her :)
Saturday night everyone came over for dinner (minus Caitlin who was working). The kids played upstairs and mom and I made a Trader Joes Chinese feast. All of their food is so good! Derek got to join in after work.
Love this. That boy's tongue is out 88% of the day!
The baby couch :) Dad was watching the kiddos jump off pillows, he looks impressed ;)
Sadly Colin got a cold this weekend. And while he handles germs much better these days, little brother was not feeling the germ love. He's had a rough few days not wanting to eat much or nap. A few rough nights as well. He's the sweetest sick boy and wants to keep smiling, but everything makes him irritated and cry. So we stuck to the house the past few days and Colin stayed home from school. Oh, yeah momma got it too...and now daddy.
Poor baby usually gets weird rashes with his viruses. They change places throughout the day...
A quick trip to McDonald's to let Colin run around. As long as we're out this dude is all smiles :)
Favorite picture of the week...Colin has been so sweet with baby C this week. If he starts crying he'll go rub his head and tell him "it's ok baby" until he stops. Sometimes he'll add putting in his paci for him. If he cries on the monitor he jumps up "uh oh baby cry, I go see" and runs to open his door and say hey to him at the crib. He's good about giving him toys in the bath and including him in the list of who's getting in the van or going places. Now when he's happy he pretty much ignores him still, haha. Love my Colin!
Can't forget to include Derek's trophy...I mean, how many trophies do you get as an adult?! He went racing with work people and won 1st place. It was like a super fast go cart place that sounded fun. We also got to escape last night from the germy babies and eat dinner with Seth and Jess at FIVE. It was delicious and so nice to eat with them without kids! Don't think that has happened since Colin was born!
Hopefully we'll all feel better soon, Derek has the kiddos for 2 days while I'm in Atlanta having girl time with Keshia! I'm so excited to go, but hoping the sick kids don't make Derek scared of signing up to keep them alone in the future ;)